Md Riaz Uddin
Department of Geosciences
Hometown: Satkhira, Bangladesh

Research Areas: Sedimentology, Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Subsidence due to Climate Change, Lithofacies Studies of Quaternary Sediments, Salinity Intrusion, Water Quality, Environmental Risk Assessment, Geospatial Data Analytics, GIS Modeling, and Environmental Sustainability

Office: 2082 Beard Eaves Coliseum


Curriculum vitae


PhD, Earth System Science, Auburn University
In Progress
MS, Geology, Auburn University
MS, Geology (Hydrogeology), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
BS Honors, Geology , University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Professional Employment
Graduate Teaching & Research Assistant, Auburn University
2021 - Present
GEOL 2100 Environmental Geology Lab
GEOL 1100 Dynamic Earth Lab

Research and Teaching Interests

As a forward-thinking early career research professional, I study the effects of climate change on water resources and develop sustainable strategies to prevent environmental contamination from hazardous pollutants. As a GIS professional, I assist in bridge technology, geosciences, and geospatial data analysis to inform decision-making across diverse fields. I am dedicated to developing skills for designing and implementing real-world applications and gaining hands-on experience with widely used GIS software such as ArcGIS, ArcGIS Pro, GeoDA, ENVI, etc. My strong interest in applying machine learning using Python, R, and Google Earth Engine further demonstrates my research commitment to earth and environmental geosciences. As a teaching assistant, I assist undergraduate students in solving their relevant lab exercises/problems in Environmental Geology and Dynamic Earth. I also happily mentor incoming students in person and virtually.

Selected Publications

  1. Uddin, M. R*., Uddin, A., Nelson, J., Rahman, S.K. N., & Zahid, A. (2025). Spatial Mapping of Vegetation's Potential to Counter Seasonal Groundwater Salinity in Coastal Bangladesh. Earth Systems and Environment, Springer Nature.  
  2. Uddin, M. R., Uddin, A., Lee, M.-K., Nelson, J., Zahid, A., Haque, M. M., & Sakib, N. (2024). Geochemistry of Arsenic and Salinity-Contaminated Groundwater and Mineralogy of Sediments in the Coastal Aquifers of Southwest Bangladesh. Water, 16(10), 1442.
  3. Mahmud, I.M*., Jafor, M.A., Uddin, M.R., Rahman, M.M., Rahman, M.H. (2017). Assessment on seasonal variations in waterlogging using remote sensing and GIS techniques in Satkhira District in Bangladesh” Barishal University Journal Part 1, Volume 4, Issue 1, ISSN 2411-247X: pp 67-80, June 2017.
  4. Rahman, S.K.N., Uddin, M. R., Uddin, A., Pricope, G. N. (2024). A comparative machine learning approach to map seasonal salinity intrusion in the mangrove surrounded coastal regions of Bangladesh. American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual meeting, 9-13 December 2024, Washington, D.C. USA, Abstract ID#1725717, EP11D-1305.  
  5. Uddin, A*., Uddin, M.R., Zahid, A., Sakib, N., & Haque, M.M. (2024). Evolution of coastal islands at the Bengal Basin: geochemistry, sediment composition, subsidence, and sea level changes at Sandwip island, Chittagong, Bangladesh. GSA Annual Conference, Anaheim, California, 22-25 September 2024; Topical Presentation Session 222: T183. Climate and Tectonic Interactions from Bedrock to Basins; Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 56, No. 5.


Last updated: 02/11/2025