X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) andX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Laboratory |
This lab houses a Bruker D2 Phaser X-Ray Diffractometer and a portable Bruker Elemental Tracer IV-ED XRF system to study the structures and chemical compositions of rocks, minerals and other solid materials for identification and classification. The XRD instrument is equipped with a scintillation counter and Lynxeye detector using Cu-Kα radiation. Data are analyzed using PC-based Datascan software DIFFRAC.EVA. The XRF system has the capability to qualitatively and quantitatively measure elements with atomic of ~ 11 (Na) or higher in solid or powder materials.
X-Ray Powder Diffractometer (XRD) |
X-ray diffraction can be used to determine the internal structure of natural and industrial materials. XRD is equipped with an integrated PC, running on windows operating system. The mineral composition of a sample can be determined by database peak search and match procedure using DIFFRAC.SUITE software package. The LYNXEYE detector allows excellent peak-to-background ratio by suppressing fluorescence from geological and soil samples. Low background sample holders and airtight holders are also available for small and environmentally sensitive samples. |
Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometer |
Stand-alone handheld XRF provides fast, nondestructive qualitative or quantitative analysis in the field and in the lab delivering near-laboratory quality elemental analysis. User can select different filters with varying X-Ray voltage and current for target elements of special interest. Vacuum attachment allows for highest low element sensitivity analysis. Results can be obtained in minutes. Portable XRF provides diverse applications in areas such as alloy analysis, materials screening, archeological artifacts analysis, and geochemical analysis of soil, sediments, ores, mudrocks, drill cutting etc. |
Location and Contact Information |
Department of Geosciences |
Dr. Ming-Kuo Lee |
Dr. Mehmet Zeki Billor |