
DMS Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Time: Dec 04, 2024 (02:00 PM)
Location: ZOOM


Speaker: Russell J. Bowater (Independent Statistical Consultant, Oaxaca City, Mexico)

Title: The 7 hardest lessons to learn in statistics 


Abstract:  What is the current state of the theory of statistical inference? Is it essentially in a good state except for a relatively small number of issues that need to be tidied up? Or is what is usually presented as being the standard and accepted theory of statistical inference so full of conceptual holes that it is nothing short of an embarrassment for anyone who wishes to describe themselves as a statistician? This talk explores these questions by presenting lessons that arguably need to be learnt but have proved difficult to learn for reasons that to a great extent are not related to doing good independent and impartial science. By exposing ourselves to such an uncomfortable level of introspection, a greater understanding can be gained about what we have done, where we are at and where we should be going.