Left to right: Jonathan, Narendra, Daniel, Monika, Sicheng, Reza, Konrad.
We are a theoretical and computational chemistry group. We use the methods of quantum mechanics and powerful computers to study the properties of molecules and clusters. In particular, we are interested in weak intermolecular interactions and the methods that can be used to calculate the interaction energy accurately and efficiently.
Please see the Research tab for a more detailed description. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Konrad Patkowski directly.
Konrad Patkowski, Ph.D. | ![]() |
Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry (2016-present) Associate Professor, Physics (2016-present) Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry (2011-2016) Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware (2003-2010) Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Poland (1999-2004) M.S. in Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Poland (1994-1999) ACS OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in Computational Chemistry (2015) NSF CAREER award (2014) |
Office: 369 Chemistry Building Phone: (334) 844 7522 Fax: (334) 844 6959 Email: patkowsk at auburn.edu |
Curriculum Vitae | |
Narendra Nath Dutta, Ph.D. | ![]() |
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (Oct 2015-present) Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India (Jan 2015-Sep 2015) Ph.D. Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India (2014) M.S. Physics, University of Burdwan, India (2008) B.S. Physics, University of Burdwan, India (2006) |
Jonathan Waldrop | ![]() |
Graduate Student, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (Jan 2014-present) B.S. Chemistry, Mercer University (2012) |
Monika Kodrycka | ![]() |
Graduate Student, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (Aug 2014-present) M.S. Physics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland (2013) B.S. Physics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland (2011) |
Reza Hemmati | ![]() |
Graduate Student, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (Jan 2015-present) M.S. Physics, University of Zanjan, Iran (2011) B.S. Physics, University of Tabriz, Iran (2003) |
Sicheng Li, M.S. | ![]() |
Graduate Student, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (2013-2016) M.S. Theoretical Chemistry, Jilin University, China (2013) B.E. Polymer and Material Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China (2010) |
Daniel G. Smith, Ph.D. | ![]() |
Graduate Student, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (2011-2015) B.S. Biochemistry and B.A. Chemistry, College of Charleston (2009) ACS Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award for Graduate Students (2015) Dow Fellowship, Auburn University (2013) |
Habib Ur Rehman, Ph.D. | ![]() |
Postdoctoral Researcher, 2014-2015 Lecturer, Troy University, Troy, AL |
Brandon W. Bakr | ![]() |
Undergraduate Researcher, 2012-2013 Graduate Student in Dr. Sherrill's group, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. |
Alexander W. Pilgreen | ![]() |
Undergraduate Researcher, 2012-2013 Dental School, Memphis, TN. |
Openings are available for both graduate and undergraduate researchers. Prospective students are encouraged to contact Dr. Patkowski. |
Research in our group - specific topics
Jedwabny, W.; Dyguda-Kazimierowicz, E.; Pernal, K.; Szalewicz, K.; Patkowski, K. "Extension of an atom-atom dispersion function to halogen bonds and its use for rational design of drugs and biocatalysts." J. Phys. Chem. A 2021, 125, 1787.
Kodrycka, M.; Patkowski, K. "Efficient density-fitted explicitly correlated dispersion and exchange dispersion energies" J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 1435.
Waldrop, J. M.; Patkowski, K. "Nonapproximated third-order exchange induction energy in symmetry-adapted perturbation theory" J. Chem. Phys. 2021, 154, 024103.
Wcisło, P.; Thibault, F.; Stolarczyk, N.; Jóźwiak, H.; Słowiński, M.; Gancewski, M.; Stankiewicz, K.; Konefał, M.; Kassi, S.; Campargue, A.; Tan, Y.; Wang, J.; Patkowski, K.; Ciuryło, R.; Lisak, D.; Kochanov, R.; Rothman, L. S.; Gordon, I. E. "The first comprehensive dataset of beyond-Voigt line-shape parameters from ab initio quantum scattering calculations for the HITRAN database: He-perturbed H2 case study" J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 2021, 260, 107477.
Hemmati, R.; Patkowski, K. "Ab initio study of chiral discrimination in the glycidol dimer" J. Phys. Chem. A 2020, 124, 9436.
Waldrop, J. M.; Patkowski, K. "Interactions of CO2 with Cluster Models of Metal-Organic Frameworks" J. Comput. Chem. 2020, 41, 2066.
Słowiński, M.; Thibault, F.; Tan, Y.; Wang, J.; Liu, A.-W.; Hu, S.-M.; Kassi, S.; Campargue, A.; Konefał, M.; Jóźwiak, H.; Patkowski, K.; Żuchowski, P.; Ciuryło, R.; Lisak, D.; Wcisło, P. "H2-He collisions: Ab initio theory meets cavity-enhanced spectra" Phys. Rev. A 2020, 101, 052705.
Smith, D. G. A.; Burns, L. A.; Simmonett, A. C.; Parrish, R. M.; Schieber, M. C.; Galvelis, R.; Kraus, P.; Kruse, H.; Di Remigio, R.; Alenaizan, A.; James, A. M.; Lehtola, S.; Misiewicz, J. P.; Scheurer, M.; Shaw, R. A.; Schriber, J. B.; Xie, Y.; Glick, Z. L.; Sirianni, D. A.; O’Brien, J. S.; Waldrop, J. M.; Kumar, A.; Hohenstein, E. G.; Pritchard, B. P.; Brooks, B. R.; Schaefer III, H. F.; Sokolov, A. Yu.; Patkowski, K.; DePrince III, A. E.; Bozkaya, U.; King, R. A.; Evangelista, F. A.; Turney, J. M.; Crawford, T. D.; Sherrill, C. D. "PSI4 1.4: Open-source software for high-throughput quantum chemistry" J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 152, 184108.
Patkowski, K. "Recent Developments in Symmetry-Adapted Perturbation Theory" WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 2020, 10, e1452.
Hemmati, R.; Patkowski, K. "Chiral Self Recognition: Interactions in Propylene Oxide Complexes" J. Phys. Chem. A 2019, 123, 8607.
Kodrycka, M.; Holzer, C.; Klopper, W.; Patkowski, K. "Explicitly correlated dispersion and exchange dispersion energies in symmetry-adapted perturbation theory" J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 5965. Correction
Kodrycka, M.; Patkowski, K. "Perspective: Platinum, gold, and silver standards of intermolecular interaction energy calculations" J. Chem. Phys. 2019, 151, 070901. (Featured Article, Journal Cover)
Waldrop, J. M.; Patkowski, K. "Spin splittings from first-order symmetry-adapted perturbation theory without single-exchange approximation" J. Chem. Phys. 2019, 150, 074109.
Pimienta, I. S. O.; Patkowski, K. "Heats of Formation and Thermal Stability of Substituted 1,1'-Azobis(tetrazole) Compounds with an Extended Nitrogen Chain" Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2019, 119, e25794. (Journal Cover)
Smith, D. G. A.; Burns, L. A.; Sirianni, D. A.; Nascimento, D. R.; Kumar, A.; James, A. M.; Schriber, J. B.; Zhang, T.; Zhang, B.; Abbott, A. S.; Berquist, E. J.; Lechner, M. H.; dos Anjos Cunha, L.; Heide, A. G.; Waldrop, J. M.; Takeshita, T. Y.; Alenaizan, A.; Neuhauser, D.; King, R. A.; Simmonett, A. C.; Turney, J. M.; Schaefer, H. F.; Evangelista, F. A.; DePrince III, A. E.; Crawford, T. D.; Patkowski, K.; Sherrill, C. D. "Psi4NumPy: An Interactive Quantum Chemistry Programming Environment for Reference Implementations and Rapid Development", J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2018, 14, 3504.
Dutta, N. N.; Patkowski, K. "Improving 'silver-standard' benchmark interaction energies with bond functions", J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2018, 14, 3053.
Patkowski, K.; Żuchowski, P. S.; Smith, D. G. A. "First-order symmetry-adapted perturbation theory for multiplet splittings", J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 164110.
Song, B.; Waldrop, J. M.; Wang, X. P.; Patkowski, K. "Accurate virial coefficients of gaseous krypton from state-of-the-art ab initio potential and polarizability of the krypton dimer", J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 024306.
Thibault, F.; Patkowski, K.; Żuchowski, P. S.; Jóźwiak, H.; Ciuryło, R.; Wcisło, P. "Rovibrational line-shape parameters for H2 in He and new H2-He potential energy surface", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 2017, 202, 308.
Patkowski, K. "Benchmark Databases of Intermolecular Interaction Energies: Design, Construction, and Significance", in Annu. Rep. Comput. Chem. (Dixon, D. A., Ed.) Vol. 13, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2017, pp. 3-91.
Parrish, R. M.; Burns, L. A.; Smith, D. G. A.; Simmonett, A. C.; DePrince III, A. E.; Hohenstein, E. G.; Bozkaya, U.; Sokolov, A. Yu.; Di Remigio, R.; Richard, R. M.; Gonthier, J. F.; James, A. M.; McAlexander, H. R.; Kumar, A.; Saitow, M.; Wang, X.; Pritchard, B. P.; Verma, P.; Schaefer III, H. F.; Patkowski, K.; King, R. A.; Valeev, E. F.; Evangelista, F. A.; Turney, J. M.; Crawford, T. D.; Sherrill, C. D. "Psi4 1.1: An Open-Source Electronic Structure Program Emphasizing Automation, Advanced Libraries, and Interoperability, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2017, 13, 3185.
Smith, D. G. A.; Burns, L. A.; Patkowski, K.; Sherrill, C. D. "Revised Damping Parameters for the D3 Dispersion Correction to Density Functional Theory" J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 2197.
Li, S.; Smith, D. G. A.; Patkowski, K. "An Accurate Benchmark Description of the Interactions between Carbon Dioxide and Polyheterocyclic Aromatic Compounds Containing Nitrogen" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17, 16560.
Waldrop, J. M.; Song, B.; Patkowski, K.; Wang, X. P. "Accurate ab initio potential for the krypton dimer and transport properties of the low-density krypton gas" J. Chem. Phys. 2015, 142, 204307.
Smith, D.G.A.; Patkowski, K. Benchmarking the CO2 Adsorption Energy on Carbon Nanotubes" J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119, 4934.
Garberoglio, G.; Patkowski, K.; Harvey, A. H. "Fully Quantum Cross Second Virial Coefficients for the Three-Dimensional He-H2 Pair" Int. J. Thermophys. 2014, 35, 1435.
Smith, D.G.A.; Jankowski, P.; Slawik, M.; Witek, H.A.; Patkowski, K. "Basis set convergence of the post-CCSD(T) contribution to noncovalent interaction energies" J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2014, 10, 3140.
Smith, D.G.A.; Patkowski, K.; Trinh, D.; Balakrishnan, N.; Lee, T.-G.; Forrey, R. C.; Yang, B. H.; Stancil, P. C. "Highly correlated electronic structure calculations of the He-C3 van der Waals complex and collision induced rotational transitions of C3" J. Phys. Chem. A 2014, 118, 6351.
Smith, D.G.A.; Patkowski, K. "Toward an accurate description of methane physisorption on carbon nanotubes" J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 544.
Bakr, B.W.; Smith, D.G.A.; Patkowski, K. "Highly accurate potential energy surface for the He-H2 dimer" J. Chem. Phys., 2013, 139, 144305.
Patkowski, K. "Basis set converged weak interaction energies from conventional and explicitly correlated coupled-cluster approach" J. Chem. Phys., 2013, 138, 154101.
Smith, D.G.A.; Patkowski, K. "Interactions between methane and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a high accuracy benchmark study" J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2013, 9, 370.
Patkowski, K. "On the accuracy of explicitly correlated coupled-cluster interaction energies - have orbital results been beaten yet?" J. Chem. Phys., 2012, 137, 034103.
Patkowski, K.; Szalewicz, K. "Argon pair potential at basis set and excitation limits" J. Chem. Phys., 2010, 133, 094304.
Patkowski, K.; Szalewicz, K.; Jeziorski, B. "Orbital relaxation and the third-order induction energy in symmetry-adapted perturbation theory" Theor. Chem. Acc., 2010, 127, 211.
Podeszwa, R.; Patkowski, K.; Szalewicz, K. "Improved interaction energy benchmarks for dimers of biological relevance" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 5974.
Podeszwa, R.; Pernal, K.; Patkowski, K.; Szalewicz, K. "Extension of the Hartree-Fock plus dispersion method by first-order correlation effects" J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2010, 1, 550.
Pernal, K.; Podeszwa, R.; Patkowski, K.; Szalewicz, K. "Dispersionless density functional theory" Phys. Rev. Lett., 2009, 103, 263201.
Patkowski, K.; Spirko, V.; Szalewicz, K. "On the Elusive Twelfth Vibrational State of Beryllium Dimer" Science, 2009, 326, 1382. University of Delaware press release
Cencek, W.; Patkowski, K.; Szalewicz, K. "Full configuration-interaction calculation of three-body nonadditive contribution to helium interaction potential," J. Chem. Phys., 2009, 131, 064105.
Patkowski, K.; Cencek, W.; Jankowski, P.; Szalewicz, K.; Mehl, J.B.; Garberoglio, G.; Harvey, A.H. "Potential energy surface for interactions between two hydrogen molecules" J. Chem. Phys., 2008, 129, 094304.
Jeziorska, M.; Cencek, W.; Patkowski, K.; Jeziorski, B.; Szalewicz, K. "Complete basis set extrapolations of dispersion, exchange, and coupled-clusters contributions to the interaction energy: a helium dimer study," Int. J. Quantum Chem., 2008, 108, 2053.
Patkowski, K.; Podeszwa, R.; Szalewicz, K. "Interactions in diatomic dimers involving closed-shell metals" J. Phys. Chem. A, 2007, 111, 12822.
Patkowski, K.; Szalewicz, K. "Frozen core and effective core potentials in symmetry-adapted perturbation theory" J. Chem. Phys., 2007, 127, 164103.
Jeziorska, M.; Cencek, W.; Patkowski, K.; Jeziorski, B.; Szalewicz, K. "Pair potential for helium from symmetry-adapted perturbation theory calculations and from supermolecular data" J. Chem. Phys., 2007, 127, 124303.
Patkowski, K.; Cencek, W.; Jeziorska, M.; Jeziorski, B.; Szalewicz, K. "Accurate pair interaction energies for helium from supermolecular Gaussian geminal calculations" J. Phys. Chem. A, 2007, 111, 7611.
Patkowski, K.; Szalewicz, K.; Jeziorski, B. "Third-order interactions in symmetry-adapted perturbation theory" J. Chem. Phys., 2006, 125, 154107.
Bukowski, R.; Cencek, W.; Patkowski, K.; Jankowski, P.; Jeziorska, M.; Kolaski, M.; Szalewicz, K. "Portable parallel implementation of symmetry-adapted perturbation theory code" Mol. Phys., 2006, 104, 2241.
Szalewicz, K.; Patkowski, K.; Jeziorski, B. "Intermolecular interactions via perturbation theory: from diatoms to biomolecules" Struct. Bonding (Berlin), 2005, 116, 43.
Patkowski, K.; Murdachaew, G.; Fou, C.-M.; Szalewicz, K. "Accurate ab initio potential for argon dimer including highly repulsive region," Mol. Phys., 2005, 103, 2031.
Patkowski, K.; Jeziorski, B.; Szalewicz, K. "Unified treatment of chemical and van der Waals forces via symmetry-adapted perturbation expansion" J. Chem. Phys., 2004, 120, 6849.
Przybytek, M.; Patkowski, K.; Jeziorski, B. "Convergence behavior of symmetry-adapted perturbation expansions for excited states. A model study of interactions involving a triplet helium atom" Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 2004, 69, 141.
Brudermann, J.; Steinbach, C.; Buck, U.; Patkowski, K.; Moszynski, R. "Elastic and rotationally inelastic differential cross sections for He + H2O collisions" J. Chem. Phys., 2002, 117, 11166.
Patkowski, K.; Jeziorski, B.; Korona, T.; Szalewicz, K. "Symmetry-forcing procedure and convergence behavior of perturbation expansions for molecular interaction energies" J. Chem. Phys., 2002, 117, 5124.
Patkowski, K.; Korona, T.; Moszynski, R.; Jeziorski, B.; Szalewicz, K. "Ab initio potential energy surface and second virial coefficient for He-H2O complex" J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 2002, 591, 231.
Patkowski, K.; Korona, T.; Jeziorski, B. "Convergence behavior of the symmetry-adapted perturbation theory for states submerged in Pauli forbidden continuum" J. Chem. Phys., 2001, 115, 1137.
Patkowski, K.; Jeziorski, B.; Szalewicz, K. "Symmetry-adapted perturbation theory with regularized Coulomb potential" J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 2001, 547, 293.
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