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Employees eligible for participation in Auburn University leave programs are those on a regular appointment of 50 percent time or more and who are expected to be employed continuously for 12 months or longer. An employee's supervisor may request written documentation prior to approving any paid leave except annual leave.
Annual leave is provided to all eligible employees to assist them in maintaining appropriate work-life balance for their health and wellbeing. Employees are encouraged to take and to not accumulate annual leave.
Eligible employees earn annual leave at the accrual rate of 13.34 hours per month (160 hours per year). The accrual rates of annual leave for nonexempt and exempt employees are identical.
Annual leave must be requested, and approved by the supervisor, in advance, using TigerTime/Kronos.
The maximum annual leave balance for eligible employees on each Jan. 1 will not exceed more than two years’ (320 hours) accrual of leave.
Eligible employees will be compensated for accrued annual leave at the time of separation from university employment (termination or retirement) to a maximum of one month's additional compensation (173.33 hours).
Auburn University provides paid sick leave benefits to all eligible employees. Full-time employees will accrue sick leave at the rate of 8 hours per month (96 hours per year).
Sick leave is defined as the absence of an employee from work for one or more of the following reasons:
Personal illness or injury which prevents the employee from performing their duties.
The employee's or immediate family member's appointment with a physician, dentist, optometrist, psychologist or other recognized health practitioner, hospital, or clinic. Employees are expected to return to work as soon as the appointment is completed. Employees are encouraged to schedule such appointments outside working hours whenever possible.
The illness, injury or disability of a member of the immediate family, when the presence of the employee is required.
Sick leave must be used for medical reasons. Employees must notify their immediate supervisor prior to the beginning of the scheduled workday if unable to report for work due to illness or injury. An employee must assume full responsibility for notifying their supervisor. A supervisor may request written documentation as to the circumstances of an employee's absence prior to approving any paid leave except annual leave.
Sick leave may not be used until it is accrued.
If an employee has advance knowledge of the need for extended sick leave, they should notify their supervisor so arrangements can be made for a temporary replacement, if necessary. Included with such leave request must be a written document from the attending physician indicating the inclusive sick leave dates. The request will include a statement of the anticipated date on which they are approved to return to work, and a statement that they intend to return to work.
Upon returning to work from extended sick leave, they must present written documentation from the attending physician certifying fitness to work. They are expected to give their supervisor as much notice as possible of the planned date of return to work.
Sick leave requests must be filed in TigerTime/Kronos or with the appropriate form by the first workday following the return from an absence. All eligible employees hired before Oct. 1, 1990, may be compensated for unused sick leave at the rate of 25% of the balance, subject to a maximum of one additional month's compensation upon terminating University employment.
Outside employment during an employee's sick leave is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment.
Employees who transfer to or from another school or agency which participates in the State Teachers Retirement system, on or after August 2001, may retain their accrued and unused sick leave balances. Sick leave which is thus transferred may be used for any purpose normally permitted for sick leave.
Eligible employees may be granted paid leave up to three working days for the funeral of an immediate family member. One additional day may be granted for travel purposes when the funeral is more than 100 miles from the regularly assigned work site, or two additional days (i.e., five days total) when the funeral is more than 200 miles from the work site.
Immediate Family
For purposes of sick leave as well as funeral leave the immediate family is defined as spouse, son, daughter, parents, stepchild, stepparent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, half-sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law , daughter-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, and grandparent-in-law.
Employees will be granted leave with pay when legally required to attend court, specifically when summoned for jury duty or when required to appear in a proceeding involving Auburn University.
Evidence of attendance (including applicable dates and time of service) in court is required before payment by the University. An employee is expected to return to work if released from court prior to the end of his or her scheduled work day. Reasonable travel time will be allowed.
An eligible employee who is an active member of the National Guard, State Guard, Naval Militia or the reserve components of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard will be entitled to military leave of absence for training or other service for up to 21 days per calendar year.
Employees must submit a request in advance for the leave, along with copies of their military orders, to the department head and University Human Resources.
In compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993, Auburn University will grant an eligible employee up to 12 work weeks of unpaid job protected leave (however an employee is required to use available sick leave during this time) within the defined 12-month period for anyone or a combination of the following:
The birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child or the care for a newly-born child.
The care for a family member (spouse, child, or the employee's parent) who has a serious health condition.
A serious health condition of the employee that renders the employee unable to perform the functions of the employee’s job.
Qualifying exigency for employees on call to military service or that of a family member (spouse or child).
The care of a family member that has a serious injury or illness that was incurred while serving in the line of duty.
For additional information contact AU Human Resources at 844-4145.
Eligible employees may take paid parental leave in accordance with the following guidelines:
An eligible employee is the legal parent (birth mother, biological father, adoptive mother, adoptive father) of a newborn or newly adopted child. The name of the employee must appear on the child’s birth certificate or a certified legal document establishing maternity or paternity, or a legal document establishing final adoption.
Each eligible parent employee may receive up to 6 weeks (240 hours) of paid parental leave to be paid at 100% of salary.
Paid parental leave may be taken anytime within the first six months following the birth or adoption of a child and must be taken in one week (40 hour) increments.
All paid parental leave will run concurrently with the employee’s available FMLA leave.
While on paid parental leave, an employee’s annual and sick leave benefits (if applicable) will continue to accrue, and an eligible parent will remain eligible for employee benefits, following all normal benefit rules and policies.
Paid parental leave is not paid out upon separation from employment, if unused.
This policy is applicable for babies born or final adoptions that occurred on or after Oct. 15, 2020.
The date of birth or the date of final adoption is the qualifying event and must occur after the employee has met the Eligibility Requirements.
Eligible employees may use up to 6 weeks (240 hours) of paid parental leave once during a rolling 12 month period based on the date of the child’s birth or adoption.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for paid parental leave, an employee must meet the following criteria:
Active full-time, non-student employees are eligible if the most recent appointment period is continuous for a minimum of one year (nine or twelve months as appropriate to the appointment).
Eligibility begins on the date an employee has been actively at work for one (1) full year since the date of most recent full time employment and the date of birth or adoption occurs on or after reaching the one (1) year anniversary.
A nine month faculty member without a summer appointment may not use paid parental leave during the summer academic term, but may use it upon return in the fall term, as long as it is used within the first 6 months following birth/placement of the child.
(LWOP) has three major categories:
Extended Leave Without Pay- a certified personal illness, injury, or disability. The critical nature of an immediate family member's illness or injury may also justify the granting of extended leave without pay depending upon the circumstances. All accrued sick leave must be used before extended sick leave without pay may be considered.
Voluntary Leave Without Pay- a leave status for employees who have exhausted applicable paid leave time, but who, for approved reasons, are not immediately returning to work. A memo of request for extended sick leave without pay will be submitted in advance through the Department Head to the Assistant Vice President for AU Human Resources for approval. The employee should provide a statement of the date he or she intends to return to work. Such leave, once approved, will not exceed a period of six months.
Disciplinary LWOP- placement on leave as a result of disciplinary action taken by an employee’s supervisor and the university.
Additional information is also available on the University Policies website. If you have questions, please email