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Instructions: Click on the procedure title for additional information, including a printable version. 

I. Correspondng Policy Authority: Policy on Establishing Base Pay

II. Procedure Statement

Auburn University establishes base pay levels for regular non-faculty employees in compliance with the university’s Policy on Establishing Base Pay. The university pays employees based on 1) the job content value of the work being executed, and 2) the measured value of an individual’s work-related attributes and qualifications (knowledge, skills, and abilities) directly compared to the minimum requirements of the job as published on the job description. 

Through the normal course of business operations, it may be appropriate that an employee move, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, from one position and job to a different position and job having a lower job content value, whereby the ending job is allocated to a lower pay grade range in the current job’s job family pay structure, or to a different position and job in a different job family pay structure whereby the pay grade range reflects a lower value. This action is defined as a demotion. To identify whether the move is designated as a demotion move, the following pay range comparison will exist:

  1. SAME Job Family Pay Structure: A demotion move occurs when the new job is allocated to a lower pay grade range within the same job family pay structure as the employee’s current job.

  2. DIFFERENT Job Family Pay Structure: A demotion move occurs when the new job is allocated to a different job family pay structure, and where new job’s pay range midpoint is 5% or more below the pay range midpoint of the employee’s current job assignment.

In both cases, the jobs are considered “lower-valued” jobs, and the move is considered a demotion move. The underlying reasons for the demotion move will guide the determination of whether a pay adjustment recommendation is warranted. Using the university’s Pay Evaluator© ensures that demotion pay adjustment recommendations are the result of well-informed and unbiased pay decisions. See related Procedure for Using the Pay EvaluatorÓ.

III. Related Policies and Procedures

  1. Policy on Establishing Base Pay

  2. Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator©

  3. Procedure for Developing a Pay Alignment Adjustment

IV. Developing a Demotion Pay Adjustment Outcome

The underlying reasons for the demotion move will guide the determination of whether a demotion pay adjustment is warranted – as a pay adjustment increase, decrease, or no pay adjustment. Using the university’s Pay Evaluatorv in accordance with the Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator©, the responsible supervisor, designated Human Resources Liaison and University Human Resources Compensation & Classification staff collaborate to determine an appropriate pay decision outcome.

A. Involuntary: A demotion is involuntary when initiated by university management in response to the employee’s performance deficiencies in the current role or area of As a result, the employee could be involuntarily moved to another position and job of lower job content value (see II. Procedure Statement, above); with a different role or area of discipline, or in a different organizational unit; however, whereby management believes that the employee can successfully and fully meet the new position’s performance expectations. A Pay Evaluator© is completed to determine whether a demotion pay adjustment action reflecting the circumstances is warranted. As this action is a result of performance deficiencies, the Pay Evaluator© criteria rating selected for performance will default to a “meets” expectations “3” rating.

Involuntary Demotion Pay Adjustment Determination:

1. If an employee’s current pay level is below the Pay Evaluator’s suggested interval high, but above the newly assigned pay grade range lower reference (minimum), no demotion pay adjustment increase will be approved. A recommendation for a pay adjustment decrease to no less than the newly assigned pay grade range minimum may be recommended.

2. If an employee’s current pay level is above the pay evaluator’s suggested interval high, a demotion pay adjustment decrease must be recommended to place the resulting pay level at or below the pay evaluator’s suggested interval high. The performance criteria will default to a “meets” expectations “3” rating and there will not be sufficient justification for a pay level above the suggested interval for the new job.

B. Voluntary: A position reduction action is voluntary when initiated by the employee and is the result of the selection of the employee for a vacant and posted position through the competitive selection In this case the employee voluntarily moves to another position with a job of lesser job content value (allocated to a lower pay grade range) with a different role or discipline.

Voluntary Demotion Pay Adjustment Determination:

1. If employee’s current pay level is below the pay evaluator’s suggested interval high, a demotion pay adjustment increase may be recommended by the hiring department to position the employee’s pay appropriately within the suggested interval, or with approved justification, above the suggested interval high, not to exceed the pay grade range upper reference (maximum).

2. If employee’s current pay level is above the pay evaluator’s suggested interval high, but below the pay grade range’s upper reference (maximum), the hiring department may recommend a demotion pay adjustment decrease to position the employee’s pay appropriately within the suggested interval or, the employee’s pay level can remain unchanged.

3. If the employee’s current pay level is above the pay grade range upper reference (maximum), a demotion pay adjustment decrease must be recommended, thus placing the resulting pay level at or below the Pay Evaluator’s suggested high interval, unless an approved justification warrants a pay level above the suggested interval high, but below the pay grade range upper reference (maximum).

Note: The employee’s resulting pay level from this action may be a “triggering event” that warrants a “pay alignment review” for eligible employees when a potentially unjustifiable pay compression or inversion is, or soon will be, occurring relative to another position classification or employee’s pay. See related Procedure for Developing a Pay Alignment Adjustment.

V. Approval and Funding of Base Pay Decisions

  1. Demotion pay decision actions require at least two levels of direct supervisory/managerial approval signatures within the relevant organizational hierarchy, as well as the signature of the designated Human Resources Liaison. Each division, department, and college may have additional approval signature requirements. Contact your designated Human Resources Liaison for additional information.

  2. All pay actions for employees appointed to jobs in the Information Technology Job Family – central office and distributed, require the review and approval of the Vice President and Chief Information Officer, or authorized designee.

  3. Funding and approval of pay actions are the responsibility of the divisional leadership in accordance with established operating budget funding policies and procedures.

VI. Definitions

The following are definitions that inform the administration of this procedure:

Lower-Value Pay Grade Range: Pay grade ranges in the same job family structure that have lower pay range midpoint values. Pay grade ranges in differing job family pay structures are defined as “lower value” when the pay range midpoints are 5% or more below the pay range midpoints of other pay range midpoints to which they are compared.

Pay Evaluator: A systematic, disciplined, equitable, and fiscally responsible pay decision support-tool for supervisors and managers. See related Procedure on Using Pay Evaluator©.

VII. Effective Date

September 15, 2023

VIII. Procedure Administration

Responsible Office: University Human Resources; Classification & Compensation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

Responsible Administration Manager: Manager, Compensation Administration

IX. Interpretation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

I. Corresponding Policy Authority: Policy on Establishing Base Pay

II. Procedure Statement

Auburn University establishes base pay levels for regular non-faculty employees in compliance with the university’s Policy on Establishing Base Pay. The university pays employees based on 1) the job content value of the work being executed, and 2) the measured value of an individual’s work-related attributes and qualifications (knowledge, skills, and abilities) directly compared to the minimum requirements of the job as published on the job description.

Through the normal course of business operations, it may be appropriate for an employee to move, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, from one job to another job having the same or similar job content value (like- value), whereby both jobs are allocated to the same pay grade range within a job family pay structure, or another job having a “like-valued” pay grade range within a different job family pay structure. To identify whether the move is designated as a lateral move, the following pay range comparisons will exist:

  1. SAME Job Family Pay Structure: A lateral move occurs when the new job is allocated to the same pay grade range within the same job family pay structure as the employee’s current job.

  2. DIFFERENT Job Family Pay Structure: A lateral move occurs when the new job is allocated to a different job family pay structure, and where new job’s pay range midpoint is within +/- 5% of the pay range midpoint of the employee’s current job assignment.

In both cases, the jobs are considered “like-valued” jobs, and the move is considered a lateral position move. The underlying reasons for the lateral move will guide the determination of whether a pay adjustment recommendation is warranted. Using the university’s Pay Evaluator© ensures that lateral pay adjustment recommendations are the result of well-informed and unbiased pay decisions. See related Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator©.

III. Related Policy(s) and Procedure(s)

  1. Policy on Establishing Base Pay

  2. Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator©

  3. Procedure for Developing a Pay Alignment Adjustment

IV. Developing a Lateral Position Pay Adjustment Recommendation

The underlying reasons for the lateral move will guide the determination of whether a lateral pay adjustment is warranted – as a pay adjustment increase, decrease, or no pay adjustment. Using the university’s Pay Evaluator© in accordance with the Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator©, the responsible supervisor, designated Human Resources Liaison and University Human Resources Compensation & Classification staff collaborate to determine an appropriate pay decision outcome.

  1. Involuntary: A lateral move is involuntary when initiated by university management in response to the employee’s performance deficiencies in the current role or area of discipline. As a result, the employee is involuntarily moved to another position with a job of like-value job content with a different role or area of discipline, or a different organizational unit; and whereby management believes that the employee can successfully and fully meet the new position’s performance expectations. A Pay Evaluator© is completed to determine whether a pay adjustment action reflecting the circumstances is warranted. As this action is a result of performance deficiencies, the Pay Evaluator© criteria rating selected for performance will default to a “meets” expectations “3” rating.

Involuntary Lateral Pay Adjustment Determination:

  • If an employee’s current pay level is below the pay evaluator’s suggested interval, but above the newly assigned pay grade range lower reference (minimum), no lateral position pay adjustment increase will be approved. However, a collaborative recommendation for a pay adjustment decrease to no less than the newly assigned pay grade range lower reference (minimum), or no pay adjustment action, may be recommended.

  • If an employee’s current pay level is above the pay evaluator’s suggested interval high, a lateral position pay adjustment decrease must be recommended to place the resulting pay level at or below the pay evaluator’s suggested interval high. The performance criteria rating will default to a “meets” expectations “3” rating and there will not be sufficient justification for a pay level above the suggested interval for the new job.

B. Voluntary: A lateral move is voluntary when initiated by the employee and is the result of a competitive selection In this case the employee voluntarily moves to another position with a job of like-value job content within a different role or discipline, or organizational unit. A Pay Evaluator© is completed to determine whether a pay adjustment action reflecting circumstances is warranted. As this move is to a different position, with possibly a different role, discipline and/or organizational unit, the Pay Evaluator© criteria rating selected for performance will default to a “meets” expectations “3” rating. 

Voluntary Lateral Pay Adjustment Determination:

  • If employee’s current pay level is below the pay evaluator’s suggested interval high, a lateral position pay adjustment increase may be recommended by the hiring department to position the employee’s pay appropriately within the suggested interval, or with approved justification, above the suggested interval high.

  • If employee’s current pay level is above the pay evaluator’s suggested interval high, but below the pay grade range’s upper reference (maximum), a lateral position pay adjustment decrease may be recommended by the hiring department to position the employee’s pay appropriately within the suggested interval or, the employee’s pay level can remain unchanged, as the job is of like-value job content as the employee’s current job.

  • If the employee’s current pay level is above the pay grade range upper reference (maximum), no lateral position pay adjustment increase will be approved, as the job is of the like-value job content as the employee’s current job. A lateral position pay adjustment decrease may be recommended by the hiring department to position the employee’s pay below or at the pay grade range upper reference (maximum). 

Note: The employee’s resulting pay level from this action may be a “triggering event” that warrants a “pay alignment review” for eligible employees when a potentially unjustifiable pay compression or inversion is, or soon will be, occurring relative to another position classification or employee’s pay. See related Procedure for Developing a Pay Alignment Adjustment.

V. Approval and Funding of Base Pay Decisions

  1. Lateral pay decision actions require at least two levels of direct supervisory/managerial approval signatures within the relevant organizational hierarchy, as well as the signature of the designated Human Resources Liaison. Each division, department, and college may have additional approval signature requirements. Contact your designated Human Resources Liaison for additional information.

  2. All pay actions for employees appointed to jobs in the Information Technology Job Family – central office and distributed, require the review and approval of the Vice President and Chief Information Officer, or authorized designee.

  3. Funding and approval of pay actions are the responsibility of the divisional leadership in accordance with established operating budget funding policies and procedures.

VI. Definitions

The following are definitions that inform the administration of this procedure:

  1. Pay Evaluator©: A systematic, disciplined, unbiased, and fiscally responsible pay decision support-tool for supervisors and managers. See related Procedure on Using Pay Evaluator©.

  2. Like-Value Pay Grade Range: Pay grade ranges in differing job family pay structures are defined as “like-value” when the pay range midpoints are between 5% greater or 5% lower than pay range midpoints to which they are compared.

VII. Effective Date

September 15, 2023

VIII. Procedure Administration

Responsible Office: University Human Resources; Classification & Compensation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

Responsible Administration Manager: Manager, Compensation Administration

IX. Interpretation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

I. Corresponding Policy Authority: Policy on Establishing Base Pay

II. Procedure Statement

Auburn University establishes market-competitive pay levels for University Staff and Administrative & Professional employees in compliance with the university’s Policy on Establishing Base Pay through a compensation program infrastructure that includes market-competitive pay structures and a well-informed pay decision process. This process compares employee-specific qualifications and work attributes to the job’s minimum requirements as published in the job description.

During the normal course of business, it may be necessary to initiate a pay alignment review for eligible employees when a potentially unjustifiable pay compression or inversion is, or soon will be, occurring relative to another position classification or employee’s pay. When warranted the outcome of this pay alignment review may result in a pay alignment adjustment. Using the university’s Pay Evaluator© for the pay alignment review ensures that warranted pay alignment adjustments are the result of well-informed and unbiased pay decisions. See related Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator©.

III. Related Policy(s) and Procedure(s)

  1. Policy on Establishing Base Pay

  2. Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator©

IV. Initiating a Pay Alignment Review

Managing the appropriate employee pay positioning in range is best addressed at the time when a triggering event has been validated by University Human Resources, Compensation & Classification unit. 

  1. Recognizing a Triggering Event: During the normal course of business, it may be necessary to initiate a pay alignment review for eligible employees when a potentially unjustifiable pay compression or inversion is, or soon will be, occurring relative to another position classification or employee’s pay.

  2. Confirming the Triggering Event: The responsible supervisor, designated Human Resources Liaison (HRL) and University Human Resources (UHR) Compensation & Classification staff will collaborate to identify and confirm that a triggering event is about to or has occurred.

  3. Using the Pay Evaluator©: Using the university’s Pay Evaluator©, the responsible supervisor, designated HRL and UHR Compensation & Classification staff will collaborate to determine if a pay alignment adjustment(s) is warranted, and if so, develop appropriate pay alignment adjustment recommendation(s).

  4. Time Period: Requests for pay alignment adjustments will normally be processed within 90 days of the date when a triggering event has been validated. Under normal business circumstances, an eligible employee may receive one pay alignment adjustment within a rolling 12-month period.

  5. Effective Date of Pay Alignment Adjustment: Pay alignments will be effective the first day of the current, or next, pay period for which the payroll submission deadline has not passed -- no late-pay (retroactive) requests will be processed.

V. Approval and Funding of Base Pay Decisions 

  1. Pay alignment decision actions require at least two levels of direct supervisory/managerial approval signatures within the relevant organizational hierarchy, as well as the signature of the designated Human Resources Liaison. Each division, department, and college may have additional approval signature requirements. Contact your designated Human Resources Liaison for additional information.

  2. All pay actions for employees appointed to jobs in the Information Technology Job Family – central office and distributed, require the review and approval of the Vice President and Chief Information Officer, or authorized designee.

  3. Funding and approval of pay actions are the responsibility of the divisional leadership in accordance with established operating budget funding policies and procedures.

VI. Definitions 

Eligible Employee(s): An employee within the eligible group who by job family, title, title series, or supervisory hierarchy, whose pay level may be unjustifiably compressed or inverted relative to another similarly situated employee because of a triggering event.

Eligible Group: An inclusive group of similarly-situated employees as defined by a triggering circumstance, who by title, title series, or supervisory hierarchy are within an identified job family, work team, unit, department, or division have been identified as possibly warranting a pay alignment review.

Pay Alignment Adjustment: An adjustment to an employee’s base pay resulting from a pay alignment review; the amount being determined by using the university’s pay decision support tool, Pay Evaluator©.

Pay Alignment Review: A formal review of an eligible employee’s current pay position in range, in relation to a more appropriate positioning in their assigned pay grade range due to a triggering event.

Pay Compression: When by position classification or pay levels between employees who are in the same job family, job title, title series, or supervisory hierarchy, are close, but not exceeding, in value despite significant distinguishing differences between responsibilities, knowledge, skills, abilities, and/or individual performance contributions.

Pay Grade Range: An identified range of pay opportunity for employees who are assigned to a grouping of like-job-content valued jobs. The pay grade range, containing a lower reference (minimum) and an upper reference (maximum), reflects the internal job content value and external market value of the work of jobs allocated to each pay grade.

Pay Inversion: A type of pay compression whereby the pay levels of less qualified (knowledge, skills, abilities, or demonstrated experience relative to minimum requirements, and/or performance contributions) employees exceed the pay levels of more qualified who are in the same job title, title series, or supervisory hierarchy.

Title Series: A group of jobs within the same job occupational category, however having differing and progressively higher levels of job content value -- key responsibilities, duties, and minimum requirements. These jobs are typically distinguished by titles that reflect progressively higher levels of responsibility, i.e., Advisor I, Advisor II, Advisor III; or Analyst, Senior Analyst; Engineer, Senior Engineer, etc.

Triggering Event: An anticipated or recent pay action, or existing position classification or employee pay relationship, which may lead to, or may be currently resulting in, an unjustifiable salary compression or inversion, relative to another eligible employee(s).

VII. Effective Date 

September 15, 2023

VIII. Procedure Administration

Responsible Office: University Human Resources; Classification & Compensation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

Responsible Administration Manager: Manager, Compensation Administration

IX. Interpretation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

Printable version

I. Corresponding Policy Authority: Policy on Establishing Base Pay

II. Procedure Statement

Auburn University establishes market-competitive pay levels for University Staff and Administrative & Professional employees through a compensation program infrastructure that includes market-competitive pay structures and a well-informed pay decision process. Promotion pay adjustments are developed in compliance with the university’s Policy on Establishing Base Pay and this procedure.

Promotion pay adjustments for regular non-faculty employees recognize legitimate advancement of the employee to a job reflecting a significant increase in the job content value. The resulting pay adjustment reflects 1) the job content value of the work being executed, and 2) the measured value of an individual’s work-related attributes and qualifications (knowledge, skills, and abilities) directly compared to the minimum requirements of the job as published on the job description.

A promotion can occur when an employee moves to another position classification within the same job family, or when an employee moves to another position classification within a different job family.

Using the university’s Pay Evaluator© ensures that promotion pay levels are the result of well-informed and unbiased pay decisions.

III. Related Policy(s) and Procedure(s):

  1. Policy on Establishing Base Pay

  2. Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator©

  3. Procedure for Determining a Pay Alignment Adjustment Outcome

IV. Developing Promotion Pay

The responsible supervisor, designated Human Resources Liaison and University Human Resources Compensation & Classification staff collaborate, using the Pay EvaluatorÓ, to develop an appropriate base recommendation in accordance with the principles set forth in the Policy on Establishing Base Pay.

  1. For instructions on using the Pay Evaluator© please see related Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator© , your designated Human Resources Liaison or Compensation Specialist.

  2. The resulting pay level from this action may be a “triggering event” that warrants a “pay alignment review” for another eligible employee or group of employees if the resulting pay level leads to unjustifiable pay compression or inversion relative to another employee(s) within the same job family, job classification, hiring team, unit, department, or division. See related Procedure for Developing a Pay Alignment Adjustment.

V. Approval and Funding of Base Pay Decisions

  1. Promotion pay decision actions require at least two levels of direct supervisory/managerial approval signatures within the relevant organizational hierarchy, as well as the signature of the designated Human Resources Liaison. Each division, department, and college may have additional approval signature requirements. Contact your designated Human Resources Liaison for additional information.

  2. All pay actions for employees appointed to jobs in the Information Technology Job Family – central office and distributed, require the review and approval of the Vice President and Chief Information Officer, or authorized designee.

  3. Funding and approval of pay actions are the responsibility of the divisional leadership in accordance with established operating budget funding policies and procedures.

VI. Definitions

Promotion: Recognized job advancement due to a validated significant and permanent increase in the job content value of the position’s assigned work. This work is either,

  1. Being performed by an employee currently assigned to the position, or

  2. To be performed by an employee who has been selected to be assigned to this position through a competitive selection process, or

  3. To be performed by an employee who has been appointed to the position through a legitimate university- authorized organizational establishment, expansion, or reorganization, in full compliance with university policies and applicable law.

A promotion can occur when an employee moves to another position classification within the same job family, or when an employee moves to another position classification within a different job family. To identify whether the move is designated as a promotion, the following characteristics must occur:

  1. A move to a job that is in the SAME Job Family Pay Structure: A promotion occurs when the new job is allocated to a higher pay grade level within the same Job Family Pay Structure to which the employee’s current job is assigned.

  2. A move to a job that is in a DIFFERENT Job Family Pay Structure: A promotion occurs when the new job is allocated to a different job family pay structure, and the new job’s pay range midpoint is at least 5% greater than the pay range midpoint of the employee’s current job assignment.

    1. If the new job’s pay range midpoint is within 5% of the pay range midpoint of the employee’s current job assignment, the position action is considered a “Lateral” position action. See the Procedure for Determining a Lateral Pay Adjustment Outcome to determine if a pay adjustment is warranted.

    2. If the new job’s pay range midpoint is more than 5% below the pay range midpoint of the employee’s current job assignment, the position action is considered a “Demotion” position action. See the Procedure for Determining a Demotion Pay Adjustment Outcome to determine if a pay adjustment is warranted.

Promotion Pay Adjustment: An increase in an employee’s pay level reflecting a promotion as defined by this procedure and developed using the Pay Evaluator©. See related Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator©.

VII. Effective Date

September 15, 2023

VIII. Procedure Administration

Responsible Office: Auburn University Human Resources; Classification & Compensation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

Responsible Administration Manager: Manager, Compensation Administration

IX. Interpretation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

I. Corresponding Policy Authority: Policy on Establishing Base Pay

II. Procedure Statement

Auburn University establishes new external hire and internal hire pay levels for regular non-faculty employees in compliance with the university’s Policy on Establishing Base Pay. The university pays employees based on 1) the job content value of the work being executed, and 2) the measured value of an individual’s work-related attributes and qualifications (knowledge, skills, and abilities) directly compared to the minimum requirements of the job as published on the job description.

Using the university’s Pay Evaluator© ensures that new hire pay levels are the result of well-informed and unbiased pay decisions.

III. Related Policy(S) and Procedure(S):

  1. Policy on Establishing Base Pay

  2. Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator©

  3. Procedure for Determining a Pay Alignment Outcome

IV. Developing New Hire Pay

Using the university’s Pay Evaluator©, the responsible supervisor, designated Human Resources Liaison and University Human Resources Compensation & Classification staff collaborate to develop an appropriate base pay recommendation in accordance with the principles set forth in the Policy on Establishing Base Pay

  1. For instructions on using the Pay Evaluator© please see related Procedure for Using the Pay Evaluator© , your designated Human Resources Liaison or Compensation Specialist.

  2. Auburn University has established a minimum hiring rate. No pay level for regular full-time and part- time employees will be below the established minimum hiring rate.

  3. The new hire pay level may be a “triggering event” that warrants a “pay alignment review” if the approved new hire pay level leads to a potentially unjustifiable pay compression or inversion that is, or soon will be, occurring relative to another employee’s pay level within the same hiring team, unit, department, or division. See related Procedure for Determining a Pay Alignment Outcome.

V. Approval and Funding of Base Pay Decisions

  1. New hire pay decision actions require at least two levels of direct supervisory/managerial approval signatures within the relevant organizational hierarchy, as well as the signature of the designated Human Resources Liaison. Each division, department, and college may have additional approval signature requirements. Contact your designated Human Resources Liaison for additional information.

  2. All pay actions for employees appointed to jobs in the Information Technology Job Family – central office and distributed, require the review and approval of the Vice President and Chief Information Officer, or authorized designee.

  3. Funding and approval of pay actions are the responsibility of the divisional leadership in accordance with established operating budget funding policies and procedures.

VI. Definitions 

The following are definitions that inform the administration of this procedure:

Base Pay: The monetary compensation earned by employees on a regular basis for performing a job. This amount of money does not include benefits, differential pay, bonuses, or other potential forms of compensation.

Minimum Job Requirements: As published on the current job description, the necessary minimum of employee work-related attributes and qualifications (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics) required for competent performance of the job.

Pay Evaluator: A systematic, disciplined, unbiased, and fiscally responsible pay decision support-tool for supervisors and managers. It suggests appropriate pay levels that reflect the 1) the job content value of the work being executed, and 2) the measured value of an individual’s work-related attributes and qualifications (knowledge, skills, and abilities) directly compared to the minimum requirements of the job as published on the job description.

VII. Effective Date

September 15, 2023

VIII. Procedure Administration

Responsible Office: University Human Resources; Classification & Compensation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

Responsible Administration Manager: Manager, Compensation Administration

IX. Interpretation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

E-Verification Workflow

  • Corresponding Policy Title: Policy I-9 and E-Verify Verification

  • Procedure Owner: Employee Relations

  • Related Policies: Policy on Verification of New Employee

  • Eligibility for Employment

  • Forms:

  • Effective:

  • Last Updated: 1/31/2012

  • Responsible University Department: Human Resources – Records unit

  • Procedure Contact: Director, Human Resource Services

I.  Procedure Statement

Auburn University is subject to E-Verify verification of all employees (including regular employees, Graduate Assistants, student workers, and temporary employees) performing work related to a federal contract which includes specific Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR) language.

II. Procedures

The Human Resources department and the home department will collaborate with the designated University contract office (Office of Sponsored Programs or the Office of Innovation, Advancement and Commercialization) on the required E-Verify compliance of these assigned employees. It is important to note that an E-Verify verification cannot occur more than one time on an employee of Auburn University. 

  • Upon the full execution of the grant, a designated representative of OSP or IAC will notify the principal investigator, the Human Resources Liaison, and other appropriate parties of the fully executed date and the inclusion of the E-Verify clause in the contract.

  • Upon notification of the contract execution, the home department will provide a list of all Auburn University employees (including names, employee type and Banner number) to that have been assigned to perform work on the contract. There is a requirement that the E-Verify verification occur within thirty days (30) of the contract execution.

  • Human Resources will verify each employee name and the date of the E-Verify verification on file, if any.

  • Human Resources will provide a list and notify the Human Resources Liaison and the designated department administrator that will need to initiate the E-Verify verification.

  • The department will notify the employees that will require an E-Verify to coordinate arrangements for the completion. Standard procedures for completion of the I-9/E-Verify will be followed.

  • All E-Verify actions required will have to be initiated by completion of a new I-9 on the employee in the electronic system to enable the E-Verify verification process.

  • A comment must be included on the record that states, “Completion of E-Verify required due to E-Verify clause inclusion in a federal contract”.

  • The hire date on the Form I-9 record will be the contract execution date for record purposes.

  • Human Resources records may need to “Force to E-Verify” if the record does not automatically initiate the E-Verify process. Contact Human Resources records if needed.

  • Principal investigators must inform Human Resources, through their Human Resources Liaison, of names of subsequent current employees assigned to work on covered federal contracts as soon as the assignment has been made. E-Verify actions for the subsequent employees will follow steps 3 – 9 as referenced above.

III. Definitions

  • Executive Order 13465: Amending Executive Order 12989: Federal departments and agencies must require contractors, as a condition of each future federal contract, to agree to use an electronic employment eligibility verification system to verify the employment eligibility of all persons hired during the contract term and all persons performing work within the United States on the federal contract. Effective September 8, 2009.

  • Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR) E-Verify clause – specific language contained in eligible federal contracts for the requirement of E-Verify for assigned employees performing work on such contracts.

  • E-Verify: An internet based system that compares information from an employee’s Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to data from U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration records to confirm employment eligibility.

  • Assigned employees: individuals performing work directly on the covered federal contract

IV. Sanctions

Risk exposure of not being in compliance may result in fines and inability to allow the employee to continue to work on the federal contract.

V. Forms

Electronic E-Verify system

VI. Related Information

  • Policy on Verification of New Employee Eligibility for Employment (in process)

  • Procedure for Form I-9 and E-verify Completion (in process)

  • Workflow Illustration of Procedure Steps

VII. History

  • Communicated 9/28/2009 (memo to Deans, Directors and Department Heads)

  • Internal procedures with OSP and HR only – 1/31/2012

VIII. Frequently Asked Questions

Are there exceptions to employees requiring E-Verify?

Yes, there are exceptions. The Rule exempts individuals who have been:

  • Previously verified by the employer under E-Verify;

  • Employees who have been granted an active U.S. Government security clearance for access to confidential, secret, or top secret information in accordance with the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual; or

  • Granted Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-12 Security clearance

When did this regulation go into effect?

The Executive Order went into effect September 8, 2009 for E-verify of employees assigned to eligible federal contracts.

What if a current employee has a tentative non-confirmation on their E-Verify?

You will follow the established procedures of handling a tentative non-confirmation.

What is the deadline of completing the E-Verify on the identified employees?

You have 30 days from the date the contract is fully executed. The date will be communicated in the memo from the University contract office.

What are the implication or penalty if the E-Verify process is not completed within the specified time frame?

Failure to comply may result in loss of funding by the funding agency and/or fines by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services enforcement unit.

If the assigned employee is a current employee that needs an E-verify completed, do I complete another Form I-9 in the electronic system to initiate the E-Verify?

Yes, our electronic provider became our third-party agent with the government E-Verify system in April, 2017. Auburn University is unable to directly perform E-Verify verifications outside of the electronic Form I-9/E-Verify system. You can only initiate an E-Verify action by completing a new Form I-9. It is imperative that you include the appropriate comments to document the reason for the action.

When did Auburn University begin to E-Verify ALL new employees? 

Auburn University became an all E-Verify institution with the implementation of the electronic system in April 2017.

Plan template

  • Corresponding Policy Title: Employee Awards Policy

  • Procedure Owner: Human Resources  

  • Related Policies:

  • Forms: N/A

  • Effective: May 1, 2018

  • Last Updated: May 2018

  • Responsible University Department: Human Resources

  • Procedure Contact: Executive Director, Payroll, Benefits and Records

I. Procedure Statement

The Employee Award Guideline Procedures are provided to ensure consistency and fairness throughout all university award programs and to guide Auburn University departments and units with the development and implementation of award programs. These guidelines are provided as a tool to assist departments and units with their recognition efforts and do not imply that each department or unit must have an awards program.

Controlling Authority:

II. Procedures

A. Guiding Principles
  • Awards must be given through a competitive program that promotes the best interest of Auburn University (“the University”) and the purpose for which the University was created (must have a business purpose or of primary benefit to the University and its mission).

  • All proposed employee award programs must be submitted to the University Employee Awards Committee for review. Approval from this Committee is required prior to any award distribution. Award Programs shall be submitted to the Chair of the Committee.

  • All award funding is provided through the local budget. Departments are responsible for funding and continuation of award programs. If funding is no longer available for award programs, a statement of withdrawal must be sent to the Awards Committee, as well as, a notice sent to all department employees.

  • These procedures apply to student awards only when the award is based on the student’s employment with the University.

B. Awarding Unit/Department that intends to provide employee awards should:

Step 1: Establish an Awards Recognition Development Committee

The Awards Development Committee will guide program design. The development committee must determine the components of the recognition program. The committee role is to identify, develop, and implement recognition program(s) for their department.

Although not required, it is best practice for the Development Committee to create terms and convene a Selection Committee: The Development Committee should make a determination of how Selection Committee members are chosen to serve, the length of service terms for serving, and training needs to be established.

Step 2:  Identify Award Program Objectives

The Development Committee will need to identify recognition program objectives for their department to provide opportunities for the employee to be recognized. There are many factors to consider when identifying these objectives for your department. Here are some important factors to consider in this process:

  • The recognition program should meet the needs of the employees in the department or complement the kind(s) of job behaviors and performance the department wants to recognize and reward.

  • The program should be linked to the mission statement or core values of the department, division or the university.

  • The program should be fair and flexible to the employees in the department.

  • The recognition program should comply with university rules and regulations regarding award and incentive programs, taxation of payments and awards to employees or any other rules and regulations related to awards.

  • Review other university award programs.

To assist with this process, gather input from the employees in the department. This can be done by developing an employee survey to identify work behaviors and job performances to recognize and reward, identify employee eligibility criteria and award criteria.

Step 3: Identify Award Themes and Award Selection Criteria

The Development Committee must identify award themes for the award program that complement the employees and the department. This will help identify the selection process of the awards and help employees work towards setting goals so that they can be recognized.

Example award themes include:

  • Keys to Excellence Award

  • Exemplary Performance Award

  • Department Employee of the Year

  • Outstanding Employee Award

  • Employee Safety Award

  • Superior Customer Service Award

  • Teamwork Award

After an award theme has been identified, the committee will need to identify selection criteria. The selection criteria may be linked to a department's mission or core values or positive behaviors. To assist with this process, create an employee survey to find out what characteristics the employees value and think an employee should exhibit for nomination and to receive an award. Also, seek input from management on the types of behaviors they want to be recognized. Here are some examples of selection criteria:

  • Job Excellence

  • Customer Service

  • Unsung Hero

  • Teamwork

  • Leadership

  • Productivity

  • Innovation

Step 4: Identify Award Eligibility Criteria, Award Frequency and Award Types

The Development Committee will need to identify funding, determine award eligibility, award frequency and award selection processes. The committee will need to determine who is eligible to participate and/or be nominated for an award. They will also need to make sure that the award eligibility criteria complement the work environment of the department. Components of award eligibility criteria to consider are:

  • Length of service: is there a minimum length of service an employee must have with the department or University?

  • How frequently can an employee win an award?

  • Would Development or Selection committee members be eligible to participate in or receive nominations for an award during their term?

After award eligibility criteria are identified, the frequency of awards will need to be determined. There are some factors to consider when determining the frequency of awards for a department such as:

  • Are department funds available to cover the cost of multiple awards?

  • Are there too few employees in the department to participate in the program?

  • Are there other recognition programs in the department?

  • Will awarding many employees devalue the award itself?

After you have identified the frequency of awards, you will need to determine the types of awards. The awards selected for a recognition program should be meaningful and relevant to the award recipient(s). The awards given to employees can range from an award certificate to cash (paid through university payroll).

Step 5: Identify Nomination and Selection Process

The Development Committee or the Selection Committee will be responsible for carrying out the nomination and selection processes of a formal award program. The committee should determine the following factors about the nomination process:

  • Is the nomination process confidential? Should nominators be known or remain anonymous?

  • Which employees are eligible to submit a nomination?

  • What employee information should be provided on the nomination?

  • How should the nominations be submitted? (electronic, paper, etc.)

If the awarding Department/Unit convenes a Selection Committee, the Development Committee will need to determine the following items for the selection process:

  • Defining rating procedures and processes

  • Determine who will review and score the nominations

  • Determine the length of membership for the selection committee

  • Determine who will make the final decision on the winning nominations

  • Determine if past recipients should serve on the selection committee

  • Determine if selection subcommittee is eligible for nomination

Step 6: Identify Communication Plan

Public announcements should be made prior to the award program to announce the award program, after the award program and immediately following the recognition of the award recipients to recognize the employees. Here are some examples of how to market your department's award program:

  • Award program flyers

  • Email to department employees

  • Department newsletter

  • SharePoint intranet site

  • Department website

  • Department bulletin boards

  • Department meetings

Step 7: Establish and Monitor Award Program 

A departmental recognition program should be monitored and evaluated on a regular basis to assess its effectiveness and to obtain feedback and suggestions from employees for enhancements to the program. All substantial changes to the program must be approved by the University Awards Committee in advance of implementation.

C. Procedures for Issuing Awards:
  1. Obtain appropriate approval from awarding Department/Unit Awards Committee to issue specific award.

  2. Ensure appropriate unit or department approval if applicable.

  3. Notify award recipient of possible tax implications prior to presentation of award.

  4. For an Award of tangible property:

    1. Follow established Spending Policies and Procedures for non-employee awards. 

    2. Maintain a list of awards, value, and recipients for submission annually to University Payroll for processing.

  1. Cash awards:

    An Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) with all appropriate information must be completed and sent to the Human Resource Records unit for processing. The employee’s position number with a suffix of A1 should be used and an earn code of AWD. Once received cash award payments will be processed on the next scheduled pay day for the recipient. 

  1. Terminated employees: If employee has received a tangible award then the award purchase price should be reported to University payroll with documentation for the last paycheck. An email with the employee’s name, banner id and amount of award should be submitted to the awards and incentive email address.

D. Record Keeping: 

Each department or unit is responsible for documenting all award recipients and award types. This report should include employee’s name, banner id and purchase amount of award. This documentation should be sent annually, no later than December 1, to University Payroll for review. This documentation must be sent to the following email address:               

Resources used for Development of this document:

  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Employee Recognition Handbook
  • Texas A&M University. Employee Recognition Program Guidelines   

III. Definitions

IV. Sanctions

Strict adherence to policy procedures is mandatory in order for Awards to be accessible.

V. Forms

VI. Related Information

  • Internal Revenue Code

  • The Code of Alabama

  • Policy on Payment of Awards

VII. History

VIII. Frequently Asked Questions

  • Corresponding Policy Title: Employee Transition Allowance Policy

  • Procedure Owner: Human Resources

  • Effective: January 1, 2018

  • Last Updated: April 9, 2018

  • Responsible University Department: Human Resources

  • Procedure Contact: Associate Vice President, Human Resources

I. Procedure Statement

Effective January 1, 2018, at the discretion of the Department Head, Dean, or appropriate Vice President, Auburn University may pay an incoming faculty or administrator (VP or Director level) an equitable transition allowance to cover their personal moving, relocation, and employment transition costs.

II. Procedures

An EPAF for Transition Allowance will not be necessary if:
  • The Transition Allowance is less than 10% of the employee’s regular starting salary AND 

  • The offer letter which includes the Transition Allowance amount was signed off on by the appropriate Department Head, Dean or Vice President.

An EPAF for the Transition Allowance will be necessary if:
  • The Transition Allowance is less than 10% but the offer letter did not reference the Transition Allowance amount; OR

  • The Transition Allowance is less than 10% and was referenced in the offer letter, but the offer letter was not signed off on by the appropriate Department Head, Dean or Vice President; OR

  • The Transition Allowance is greater than 10% of the employee’s regular starting salary.

Instructions to create the Transition Allowance EPAF (ALLWNC)

To process EPAF ALLWNC

  1. Go to Self-service Banner

  2. Select Employee Tab

  3. Select New EPAF

  4. Enter Banner ID of employee

  5. For Query Date, date will be the start of the pay period for which pay will need to be paid

  6. For Approval Category, select ALLWNC, Add an allowance to an employee

  7. Click: Go

  8. Select the Active Primary Job to which the allowance applies

  9. Click: Go

  10. Change “Effective Date” of Regular Earnings to same effective date of Query Date as entered above

  11. Enter “Effective Date” of Allowance as same effective date of Query Date as entered above

  12. Select: TMA, Transitional Moving Allowance from drop down list

  13. For Hours or Units Per Pay: Enter 00

  14. For Special Rate: enter the amount (gross, or pre-tax amount) of the allowance to be paid

  15. Enter End Date for Allowance, which must be the day after the pay period end date. For example, if allowance is paid on 04/30/2018 and the pay period ends 04/30/2018, the end date of the Allowance must be 05/01/2018.

  16. Click: SAVE, and if saved successfully, move to next steps. If not saved successfully, correct errors and resave.

  17. Select Routing Queue

  • If the allowance is less than 10% and the offer letter was not signed as indicated above, EPAF must route to the following for approval:

    • HR Liaison and

    • Either the Department Head, Dean or appropriate Vice President. 

  • If the allowance is greater than 10% of the employee’s regular rate of pay, EPAF must route to the following for approval:

    • HR Liaison and

    • Either the Department Head, Dean or appropriate Vice President, and

    • Either the Provost, Vice President Business & Finance, Chief of Staff or Vice President Student Affairs.

  1. Click: Save

  2. Click: Submit

III. Definitions

  1. Employee: For purposes of this policy, an employee is anyone who receives a Form W-2 from the University.

  2. Transition Allowance: Payment made as a taxable benefit to an incoming faculty or administrator to cover their personal moving, relocation and employment transition costs.  This payment includes moving company expenses, temporary storage or housing, travel, meals, or other personal or family relocation expenses.

IV. Sanctions

Violations of this procedure will be addressed through the appropriate disciplinary action.

V. Forms

VI. Related Information

VII. History

4/6/2018:  The corresponding policy replaces Auburn University Travel Policy Section 4.2 Relocation Expenses. The recently enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) changed tax law related to the moving expense deduction.  Section 11048 of the TCJA modifies Section 132(g) of the Internal Revenue Code to suspend the exclusion for reimbursed moving expenses.  As such, moving expenses are now taxable to employees when reimbursed or paid on their behalf by Auburn University. 

Corresponding Policy Title: Family Medical Leave Policy

  • Procedure Owner: HR Benefits

  • Related Policies: Family and Medical Leave Policy

  • Forms: Listed below; also included on the Human Resources website

  • Effective: March 2018

  • Last Updated: March 2018

  • Responsible University Department: Payroll Benefits and Records

  • Procedure Contact: Executive Director, Payroll, Benefits and Records

I. Procedures 

Requesting FMLA
  • The employee notifies the Supervisor and/or the HR Liaison in the department of their request for FMLA leave.

  • The HR Liaison provides the employee with the “Notice of Rights and Responsibilities”, the “Medical Certification form” and the official job description.

  • The employee provides their physician with a copy of their Job Description and the FMLA medical certification form, and requests completion from their physician.

  • If the employee is requesting FMLA for an eligible family member, the employee should submit the medical certification form to the family member’s physician for completion.

  • The employee or physician returns the Job Description and FMLA medical certification form to the Auburn University Benefits Coordinator in Human Resources within 15 days of the FMLA request.

Approval and Designation of FMLA
  • The Benefits Coordinator certifies the FMLA leave or requests additional information if needed.

  • The Benefits Coordinator notifies the department's HR Liaison of approval and the amount of time approved for FMLA by copy of Designation Notice.

  • The Benefits Coordinator sends the Designation Notice to the employee notifying FMLA approval.

  • If FMLA is designated for the entire 12 weeks, the Benefit Coordinator notifies the employee by letter to indicate the end date of the approved FMLA leave.

Tracking of FMLA
  • The employee is responsible for letting the HR Liaison/Timekeeper know which FMLA earn code to use to ensure the correct FMLA time is entered.

  • The HR Liaison/Timekeeper enters time for the employee on FMLA leave in Kronos.

  • FMLA-sick, FMLA-vacation, or FMLA-no pay are earn code options for FMLA leave in Kronos.

  • All intermittent leave will be approved for up to six months at a time.

  • After the initial six months ends, the employee is responsible for notifying the HR Liaison or the Benefits Coordinator in Human Resources of their request for recertification of intermittent leave.

  • The employee is responsible for notifying their HR Liaison or the Benefits Coordinator in Human Resources of their request for FMLA extension at which point:

    • The HR Liaison or Benefits Coordinator provides the employee with a new medical certification form for the employee to have completed by their physician and returned to the Benefits Coordinator in Human Resources.

    • The Benefits Coordinator recertifies the FMLA leave and completes and sends the medical designation notice to the department and to the employee.

Return to Work Status after FMLA leave

The employee must submit a return to work notice from the treating physician to their HR Liaison before being allowed to return to work. The HR Liaison will submit a copy of the return to work documentation to the Benefits Coordinator.

II. Definitions

All definitions are in the policy document

III. Forms

  • WH-380-E - Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee’s Serious Health Condition

  • WH-380-F - Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member’s Serious Health Condition

  • WH-381 - Notice of Eligibility and Rights and Responsibilities

  • WH-384 - Certification for Military Family Leave for Qualifying Exigency

  • WH-385 - Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Servicemember for Military Caregiver Leave

  • WH-385-V - Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Veteran for Military Caregiver Leave

Corresponding Policy Title: Employee Name Change Policy

Procedure Owner: Human Resources

Forms: Request for Employee Legal Name Change Form

Effective: July 7, 2021

Last Updated: N/A

Responsible University Department: Human Resources

Procedure Contact: Human Resources Records

I. Procedure Statement

Auburn University recognizes the right of the individual employee to change their name either by order of court or by voluntary action, in accordance with the laws of the state of Alabama. These procedures provide steps for making requests for legal name and preferred name changes.

II. Procedures

Auburn University employees that desire to change their legal name within Banner, the University’s human resources information system (HRIS), must complete a request form accompanied by proper documentation in support of the change. Employees are only permitted to make changes to their own record.

The procedures for making the request(s) and submittal of the form and documentation are below*:

  1. Complete the Request for Legal Name Change Form ensuring to provide all of the requested information;

  2. Provide a copy of the Social Security card to support the legal name change and if applicable, a copy of the court order;

  3. Provide a copy of a valid government issued photo identification card for verification purposes of person making the request; and

  4. Submit the completed form and documentation utilizing one of the following methods:

    • Submit to Human Resources Secure Verification Documents Transmittal; or

    • Visit the Human Resources Department located at 1550 East Glenn Administrative Complex during university business hours; or

    • Fax to Human Resources Records fax at 334-844-1611.

*Auburn University Montgomery employees should direct questions to for guidance and procedures.

Do not send information via email due to the nature of the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) contained in the request.

Upon receipt of the form with the proper documentation, Human Resources will make the appropriate change in the human resources information system within three (3) working days.

Changes will not be made retroactively.

A copy of the request form and any supporting documents will be maintained in the employee’s official personnel file.

III. Definitions

  • Legal Name – a name that you were given at birth and which appears on a birth certificate recognized by a government entity, or the name which appears on a government issued document or court order.

  • Preferred First Name – a name that is desired for use as a first name that differs from your legal first name for identification. The preferred name will not replace the legal name on university records.

IV. Provisions

Auburn University reserves the right to refuse to honor a request for a change of employee name upon Human Resources records if it has reasonable grounds to believe the request is intended to promote any fraudulent or unlawful purpose.

Auburn University cannot assume responsibility and is not liable for any adverse consequences to any individual, including any damage caused by mistakes in recording or providing information that result from an individual’s action to change that employee’s name as it appears upon Auburn University Human Resources official records.

V. Applicability

This policy applies to current full-time, part-time, temporary and student employees of Auburn University and Auburn University Montgomery.

VI. Sanctions


VII. Forms

Request for Employee Legal Name Change Form

VIII. Related Information

Policy on Employee Name Changes

IX. History


X. Frequently Asked Questions

  • If I change my legal name and submit the request and supporting documents, will payroll records reflect my new name? Yes, upon successful completion of the change in the human resources information system, the name will change in the payroll records as well.

  • Do I need to re-submit tax forms if my name changes? No, you will not have to re-submit tax forms unless you desire a change in your taxes.

  • How long will it take to have my name changed in the system? Human Resources Records will make appropriate changes within 3 business days if proper documentation has been submitted.

  • Can I get a new employee identification card upon the name change? Yes, after the changes are in effect you may elect to obtain a new employee identification card by visiting the Onboarding Center at 1530 East Glenn Administrative Complex.

Make sure to bring your old card with you to the Onboarding Center. Applies to Auburn University – main campus.

Corresponding Policy Title: Policy on Name Change

Procedure Owner: Human Resources

Related Policies: N/A

Forms: Request for Mailing Address Change of Former Employees Form

Effective: October 2020

Last Updated: N/A

Responsible University Department: Human Resources

Procedure Contact:

  • Human Resources Records

  • Human Resources Payroll

I. Procedure Statement

Auburn University recognizes that former employees may have the need to change mailing addresses for required correspondence after leaving employment with the university.  These procedures provide instructions for requesting mailing address changes in Banner, Auburn University’s the human resources information system (HRIS).

II. Procedures

Auburn University employees that need a mailing address change will require completion of the request form. Employees are only permitted to make requests for their own record.   

The procedures for making the request(s) and submittal of the form are below*:

  1. A former employee should complete the Request for Mailing Address Change of Former Employees form, ensuring that all requested information is provided.

  2. Once completed, the form and documentation may be submitted to HR utilizing one of the following methods:

    • Email the completed form to; or

    • Submit to Human Resources Secure Document Transmittal web link located on the Human Resources Records webpage – link: Verification Documents; or

    • Visit the Human Resources Department located at 1550 East Glenn Administrative Complex during university business hours; or

    • Fax to Human Resources Records fax at 334-844-1611.

* Former Auburn University Montgomery employees should contact for guidance and procedures.

Upon receipt of the fully completed form, Human Resources will make the appropriate change in Banner within 3 working days and will provide a copy of the form to Human Resources Payroll.

Changes will not be made retroactively.

A copy of the request form will be maintained in the employee’s official personnel file.

III. Definitions

  • Mailing address – an employee’s mailing address where they receive official university-related mail such as, W-2, etc.

  • Human Resources Information System – the official university electronic system of record that contains employee information.

IV. Applicability

This policy applies to former full-time, part-time, temporary and student employees of Auburn University or Auburn University Montgomery.

V. Sanctions


VI. Forms

VII. Related Information


VIII. History


IX. Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I change my mailing address in Self-Service Banner (SSB)?

You do have the ability to change your mailing address in SSB as a former employee. 

2. Can I make the mailing address change prior to my last day at Auburn University?

Yes, it is advisable to do so if you have the information available.  If so, there is no need to submit the request form unless you have another change of address.

3. By completing this process, will my W-2 be mailed to the updated address?

Yes, if address change is completed no later than the first week of January for the previous year.

4. If I am unable to make the address change by the deadline for W-2 purposes, what can I do to obtain my W-2?

For a period of two years as a former employee, you are able to obtain a copy of your W-2 record by visiting the following link: 

You will need your Banner ID number and Social Security number (SSN) to access it.

On-Call Procedure 

Corresponding Policy Title: On-Call Policy 

Procedure Owner: Human Resources 

Related Policies:On-Call Policy 

Forms: Employee On-Call Agreement 

Effective:March 1, 2018* 

Responsible University Department: Human Resources 

Procedure Contact:Director, Compensation and Classification 

I. Procedure Statement 

The On-Call Procedures ensure consistency and fairness in the application of the On-Call Policy throughout the Auburn University campus. These procedures are provided as a tool to assist departments and units in their efforts to maintain effective and continuous business operations and do not imply that each department or unit must utilize the On-Call Policy. 

II. Procedures   

  • On-Call Agreement: All employees designated to serve in an on-call status will be required to sign an on-call agreement upon initial notification. This signed agreement will be kept in the employees’ files maintained within the department. 

  • Current Listing of Designated Employees: Each department is responsible for maintaining a current listing of employees or positions authorized to serve on-call and regularly communicate changes to this list to the timekeeper(s) and/or other appropriate personnel.  

  • On-Call Schedule: An on-call schedule will be provided to each employee serving in an on-call status for a scheduled on-call period or rotation. This notification must provide sufficient notice to the employee so that he/she can make any necessary personal arrangements in order to be work-ready if called upon. 

  • Employee Contact Information: Designated employees are required to provide current contact information to their supervisor indicating how the employee can be reached while serving in an on-call status. 

  • Inability to Serve: If an employee serving in an on-call status becomes ill or is otherwise not able to continue to serve in such capacity, it is the employee’s responsibility to notify their supervisor or designee at the earliest opportunity so that additional coverage may be identified.  Unless approved by the supervisor, if an employee serving in an on-call status does not return to the worksite upon being called in, the employee may not receive on-call pay for the period of on-call served. 

  • Exclusions: Employees are prohibited from serving in an on-call status during scheduled hours of work. In addition, employees may only serve in an on-call status for their primary assignment. 

  • On-Call Response Time: Employees in an on-call status that are asked to return to the worksite are expected to return within forty-five (45) minutes unless an employee’s physical address is greater than forty-five (45) minutes from the worksite and approved in advance by the supervisor. The supervisor, or designee, will notify the employee of call back by telephone.  If notification is received via voicemail or text message, the employee must respond to the appropriate personnel within ten (10) minutes of receiving the notification to confirm his/her availability to return.  Departments may establish an alternative protocol - provided it be in writing and communicated to all affected employees. 

  • On-Call Pay: Employees serving in an on-call status will be paid $2.00 (two dollars)* per hour for each hour of their scheduled on-call period. This includes serving on-call during weekends and holidays. 

  • Call-Back Pay: Employees called to return to the worksite while serving in an on-call status will also qualify for call-back pay as specified in the Call-Back Policy. 

  • Not Considered “Hours Worked”: In compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, hours served in an on-call status are not considered “hours worked” for determining overtime compensation.  However, actual hours worked while being called back during an on-call status period will be considered “hours worked” for determining overtime compensation.  

  • Timekeeping: Supervisors are responsible for assisting timekeepers with the proper administration of on-call pay. The appropriate earn code for the on-call premium is ‘ONC’. Timekeeping instructions for TigerTime are available online. 

III. Definitions  

  • Exempt Position: An exempt position is a position 1) whereby the incumbent employee’s salary meets the FLSA minimum salary threshold test AND 2) that has duties meeting the FLSA criteria for exemption under the duties test. Such positions are not subject to the accurate recording of time worked or overtime pay. Exempt positions are not eligible to participate under this policy. 

  • Nonexempt Position: A nonexempt position is a position 1) whereby the incumbent employee’s salary does not meet the FLSA minimum salary threshold test OR 2) that has duties that do not meet the FLSA criteria for exemption under the duties test. Such positions require the accurate recording of working time, as well as the right to a minimum wage and overtime pay provisions of the FLSA. 

  • On-call Period: The period that employees in nonexempt positions are required to maintain work-readiness in order to return to the worksite if called upon. An on-call period is a designated period determined by the department/unit head. Such periods may vary in beginning and ending times from department to department, and are subject to change as warranted by service needs. 

  • On-call Status: The scheduled state of availability for designated employees in nonexempt positions to return to duty, work-ready, within a specified period. 

  • On-Call Pay: Employees serving in an on-call status will be paid $2.00 (two dollars)* per hour for each hour of their scheduled on-call period. This includes serving on-call during weekends and holidays. 

  • Full-time Employee: An employee whose scheduled workweek is 40 hours or more. 

  • Part-time Employee: An employee whose scheduled workweek is less than 40 hours. 

  • Student Employee: An individual who is enrolled at Auburn University on a full-time or part-time basis who is designated as a student worker.  A student employee may work up to 20 hours per week. 

  • Temporary Employee: An individual who is employed on a day-to-day or assignment basis typically to assist with special projects, abnormal workloads, or emergencies and who is designated as a TES Employee.    

  • University Staff Employee: An employee whose position is designated as nonexempt under the FLSA and is paid on a biweekly basis. 

  • Work-ready: The ability to return to the worksite within forty-five minutes while being physically and mentally unimpaired and fit for duty (able to safely perform all essential job functions with no risk to self, co-workers, students, public, or property.) 

IV. Sanctions 

Violations of this procedure are to be promptly reported to the employee’s supervisor and will be addressed through appropriate disciplinary action(s). 

V. Forms 

Employee On-Call Agreement 

VI. Related Information 


VII. History 


VIII. Frequently Asked Questions 

IMPORTANT: * The on-call pay rate increases from $1 per hour to $2 per hour on Feb. 4, 2024.  

Corresponding Policy Title: Policy on University Personnel Files and Records Management

Procedure Owner: University Human Resources (UHR)

Related Policies: Policy on University Personnel Files and Records Management

Forms: Request for Copy of Personnel File

Effective: To be determined

Last Updated: N/A

Responsible University Department: UHR

Procedure Contact: UHR Records

I. Procedure Statement

Auburn University Human Resources is the custodian of the official personnel file which contains documentation of official personnel actions for all employees.

II. Procedures

An employee (former or current) must follow established procedures for requesting a copy of their official personnel file. 

An employee may request a copy of their personnel file by completing the Request for Copy of Personnel File. The completed form should be emailed to, faxed to 334-844-1611, or delivered to the AU Administrative Complex (Human Resources), 1550 E. Glenn Ave., Auburn, AL 36830. 

Once the form is submitted, a representative from Human Resources (Records) will contact the requestor for further action and/or disposition.

III. Applicability

This procedure applies to all employees of Auburn University.

IV. Forms

Request for Copy of Personnel

V. Related Information

Policy on University Personnel Files and Records Management

VI. Frequently Asked Questions

After I submit the request, when can I obtain a copy of my personnel file? A Records representative will contact the requestor within two business days for further action and/or disposition.  

Auburn University recognizes that during the normal course of business operations, it may be necessary for managing supervisors to consider a timely “retention counteroffer” for employees who have received a legitimate offer of employment from an external employer.  Should it arise, the following two-step procedure provides for a timely and risk-compliant approach to addressing this situation.

Step 1: Department              

  1. The department’s HR Liaison submits a retention offer via the provided Smartsheet Form link, providing a brief supporting explanation in the text field provided. This explanation may include:

    • A description of the nature and importance of the employee’s current position and circumstances, should they be deemed critical to the continuity of ongoing operations.

    • The employee’s unique job-related characteristics, i.e. qualifications (knowledge/skills/abilities), work attributes, and past/recent performance contributions that directly align with the critical need to retain the employee in their current position.

    • Possible challenges with difficult/untimely recruitment that have been experienced in the past, or would likely be experienced in the future, should the employee accept the external offer of employment.

  2. The request must include a copy of the official offer letter from the offering external employer. (It will be on the employer’s letterhead and indicate the name and title of the official extending the offer.)

  3. The request must include a prepared Pay Evaluator© with signatures from the department head and the designated Human Resources Liaison.

Step 2: University Human Resources

Retention offers are a top priority. University Human Resources/Compensation will review the request in a timely manner and provide a recommendation of support/not support to the requesting department once the review is completed.  

  • If supported, the Pay Evaluator© will be signed, and the requesting department will be notified immediately to initiate the offer.

  • If not supported, the request will be immediately forwarded to the university’s Chief Financial Officer for final review.

Contact for Additional Information   

Contact your designated Human Resources Liaison or University Human Resources, Compensation and Classification, for assistance or additional information.

I. Procedure Statement

This procedure establishes the process by which a department submits a request for determination of university support for sponsoring a foreign national non-faculty employee for a temporary employment (non-immigrant) or permanent residency (immigrant) status who is, or will be, in an Administrative and Professional (A&P) position. The determination will specify whether the subject A&P position can be legitimately designated as a specialty occupational position, and if so, whether the foreign national employee qualifies for such position, as specified by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations.

II. Procedures

Requesting a Determination of Support

  1. Hiring supervisors/department heads considering sponsorship on behalf of a foreign national for a job assigned to an A&P position must submit a Request for Determination of Support for Sponsorship form to the Auburn University Human Resources Department/Compensation and Classification

  2. This submission is to be completed prior to contacting the Office of International Programs (OIP) to initiate processing actions on behalf of the foreign national.

  3. To submit the online request, go to the following link: “Determination of Support for Sponsorship of Petitions re Temp Work or Perm Residency for A&P.”

  4. Upon receipt of a fully completed request, AUHR will make a determination of support within a reasonable period of time. Time may vary depending on the completeness of the submitted request and complexity of the specific circumstances surrounding the situation.

  5. The Determination of Support will provide the outcome of “in support of” or “not in support of” the request and include the factors considered in making the determination. AUHR collaborates with the Office of International Programs (OIP) on those A&P positions for which AUHR will deliver a determination of support, in favor of such a non-faculty sponsorship.

  6. A copy of the determination will be forwarded to the designated Human Resources Liaison and the OIP.

  7. Processing of supported sponsorship petitions is the responsibility of the Office of International Programs. Foreign nationals whose petitions are not supported for sponsorship can receive additional information and guidance regarding available non-sponsored residency options from the Office of International Programs.

III. Definitions

Foreign National – Any person who is not a citizen or permanent resident alien of the United States.

Temporary Employment Status – A valid work-authorized non-immigrant status permitting a foreign national to work in the United States on a temporary basis. There are several different types of temporary employment statuses, including the H-1B and TN.

Permanent Residency (also known as a “green card” – An immigrant status authorizing a foreign national to live and work permanently in the United States. In order to obtain permanent residency based upon permanent employment, a foreign national must complete a multi-step process with sponsorship from his or her employer.

Specialty Occupational Position – An approved position in an occupation that requires:

  1. “The theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge in fields of human endeavor, such as architecture, engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, social sciences, medicine and health, education, business specialties, accounting, law, theology, or the arts;” AND

  2. “The attainment of a U.S. bachelor’s degree or higher in a directly related specific specialty, or its equivalent, as a minimum for entry into the occupation in the United States. The required specialized studies must be directly related to the position. A position is not a specialty occupation if attainment of a general degree, such as business administration or liberal arts, without further specialization, is sufficient to qualify for the position. While a position may allow a range of degrees or apply multiple bodies of highly specialized knowledge, each of those qualifying degree fields must be directly related to the proffered position.”

IV. Applicability

Applicable to Administrative and Professional (A&P) positions only. For Faculty positions, the determination of support for sponsorship on behalf of foreign nationals is the responsibility of the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

V. Sanctions

Violations of this procedure and controlling policy may result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment.

I. Corresponding Policy Authority: Policy on Establishing Base Pay

II. Procedure Statement

Auburn University establishes base pay in compliance with the Policy on Establishing Base Pay.

Using the University’s decision support tool, Pay Evaluator©, Auburn University Human Resources assists supervisors and managers in developing well-informed pay decisions when initiating the following base pay actions* for regular University Staff employees and Administrative and Professional employees:

  1. Developing New Hire Pay

  2. Developing a Promotion Pay Adjustment

  3. Determining a Lateral Pay Adjustment Outcome

  4. Determining a Demotion Pay Adjustment Outcome

  5. Determining a Pay Alignment Adjustment Outcome

The Pay Evaluator© is approved for the above base pay actions. There may be selected occupational jobs for which pay is determined using a pay determination methodology uniquely aligned with that occupation. For these jobs, contact your designated Human Resources Liaison or Compensation Specialist.

The Pay Evaluator© is a systematic, disciplined, unbiased, and fiscally responsible pay decision support tool, suggesting appropriate pay levels that reflect 1) the job content value of the work being executed, and 2) the direct comparison of the measured value of an individual’s work-related attributes and qualifications (knowledge, skills, and abilities) to the pre-defined minimum requirements of the job as published on the job description.

Developing, approving, and funding well-informed employee pay decisions is the responsibility of managing supervisors and division leadership, in collaboration with their designated HR Liaisons and in compliance with this policy and the proper use of the university’s Pay Evaluator©.

III. Related Policies and Procedure(s)

  1. Policy on Establishing Base Pay

  2. Procedure for Developing New Hire Pay

  3. Procedure for Developing a Promotion Pay Adjustment

  4. Procedure for Determining a Lateral Pay Adjustment Outcome

  5. Procedure for Determining a Demotion Pay Adjustment Outcome

  6. Procedure for Determining a Pay Alignment Adjustment Outcome

IV. Applicability

This procedure applies to all regular non-faculty employees (University Staff and Administrative and Professional).

V. Pay Evaluator© Overview

A. Pay Evaluator©Access: Designated Human Resources Liaisons (HRL) have access to the Pay Evaluator for their assigned Division(s). To use a Pay Evaluator for any of the base pay actions listed above, contact your designated HRL.

B. Collaboration: Using the Pay Evaluator© is a collaborative effort with the responsible supervisor or manager, designated Human Resource Liaison, and the AU Human Resources/Compensation and Classification staff to validate the employee’s work-related decision criteria ratings selected on the evaluator and to develop an appropriate base pay recommendation.

C. Pay Evaluator© Workbook: When completed properly, the Pay Evaluator© is a spreadsheet-based workbook containing all information necessary to support a well-informed pay. It includes the following tabs:

1. Pay Evaluator: The main decision support sheet, including six sections to be completed and considered when developing the collaborative pay recommendation.

2. Print Version: Reproduces the Pay Evaluator© collaborative recommended pay result containing all relevant information for final review, support, and approval signatures. This is the version that is placed in the employee’s personnel file.

3. Work History: Convenient worksheet to accurately document all work experience, length, and relevancy to the subject job.

4. Job Class Table: Pay Evaluator© workbooks are updated with job classification, position, and employee information on a quarterly As new or reclassified jobs are being added to the human resources enterprise system tables throughout the quarter, the visible "Job Class Table" TAB permits an authorized HRL to directly enter newly created or reclassified job attributes (code, title, pay grade, FLSA status, etc.) for which they are preparing the Pay Evaluator©. This allows for uninterrupted use between quarterly Pay Evaluator© updates.

5. Compensation and Employment Specialist Assignments by Division: Listing for easy reference of who to contact for collaboration on a Pay Evaluator, including each designated HR Liaison, Employment Specialist, and Compensation Specialist assigned to each division.

6. Salary Justification Guidelines: Useful guidelines to assist with developing a salary justification, required when a pay level outside of (below or above) the suggested pay interval is recommended.

VI. Sections of the Pay Evaluator© Tab

A. Candidate/Employee Work-Related Pay Decision Criteria: This section measures the extent to which an individual’s directly-related, or as appropriate directly-relevant, work qualifications compare to the job’s published pre-defined minimum requirements. For each of the following Pay Decision Criteria the hiring supervisor, in collaboration with their designated HR Liaison, selects from a choice of drop-down rating descriptions that best describes this comparison.

The Pay Decision Criteria include:

1. Education/Academic Endeavors: The directly-related knowledge and skills learned through formal education/academic endeavor(s) required for successful performance of the job (essential functions, key responsibilities). The published job description’s minimum requirement(s) for education establishes the threshold for comparison.

a. Jobs for which a four-year degree is a minimum requirement, the individual must possess (degree has been conferred) at least the specific degree as stated in the job description. The requirement may or may not include a specific major area of study*. To meet the minimum requirement the eligible individual must possess:

i. A degree with the level of required education – Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D. and

ii. If included in the minimum requirements, the major as specified on the job description, or

iii. A major other than as specified, however, one that can be validated as having the same learning outcomes of directly-related knowledge and skills required to successfully perform the job (essential functions, key responsibilities).

*Major area of study: often referred to as a “major” on which one focuses while pursuing the degree. Majors consist of a group of core classes as well as any additional requirements determined by the degree program.

b. The criteria rating for conferred certificates, diplomas, or degrees is to be selected using the following number of years typically expected for a full-time student to complete the designated program of study:

i. Trade/Technical Certificate –1 year

ii. Associate’s Degree (alone, with no other degree) – 2 years

iii. Bachelor’s Degree – 4 years

iv. Master’s Degree – 2 years**

v. Doctoral Degree – 2 years**

 ** The number of creditable years may vary depending on the standards of the issuing graduate or doctoral program.

Additional rating credit beyond “Meets Minimum” may be selected if an individual possesses more than one directly-related and independently conferred certificate, diploma, or degree.

c. If a substitution of directly-related experience for the education criteria is specifically permitted in the job description,

 i. The experience is calculated at a rate of two years of directly-related experience for one year of required directly-related education.

ii. Such a substitution of experience for education can only be reflected in the education rating – and not counted in the rating for meeting the experience criteria

iii. Where permitted, such substitutions are only applied for the employee to meet the minimum requirements of the job

2. Experience: Examines the extent to which the individual’s directly-related work experience meets the job description’s stated minimum requirements for experientially-learned knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to successfully perform the job (essential functions, key responsibilities).

a. The Pay Evaluator© provides a Work History tab which must be completed for every pay action being submitted.

i. If the individual’s experience is related to the job but is not at an equivalent level required by the description, the experience will be pro-rated as appropriate.

ii. The maximum full-time-equivalency (FTE) that can be credited during any one measured time period (day, week, month, year) is 0 FTE, reflecting 40 hours per week.

b. If a substitution of directly-related education for the experience criteria is specifically permitted in the job description, the education should be validated as having comparable experientially-learned and directly-related knowledge, skills, and abilities required to successfully perform the job (essential functions, key responsibilities).

i. Such a substitution of education for experience can only be reflected in the experience rating – and not counted in the rating for meeting the education criteria

ii. Where permitted, such substitutions are only applied to the individual to meet the minimum requirements of the Those years of education will only be credited to the experience rating, i.e., not also in the education rating.

iii. In cases where additional education is available which would result in a rating greater than “1” for experience, only the minimally required years should be applied to experience for the purposes of the substitution. The remaining balance should be applied to the education rating.)

c. The successful and full completion of the Auburn University-sponsored training program "Supervisor Pathways" provides for a six-month experience credit toward required supervisory experience when competitively applying for a supervisory or managerial job or, because of the position reclassification of their current position to a supervisory or managerial level. Note that the completion of the Supervisor Pathways program does not result in an increased Pay Evaluator© rating. 

3. Certifications/Licensure/Other Credentials: Examines the extent to which the individual’s directly related and relevant certifications or licensure meet the job description’s stated minimum requirements. 

a. Certifications are accepted only if administered through an approved governing body and confirmed relevant by the respective division leadership. Collaboration with the position’s supervisor or manager and the designated HRL is essential to assist with identifying certifications of value – those that will be permitted for credit toward job These will include certifications or licenses which require the passing of a single exam or multiple exams before certification or licensure is issued and do not include certificates of completion or certificates of attendance. Your HR Liaison and AUHR Compensation staff can assist in identifying relevant certifications.

b. Attending training programs, whether Auburn University-sponsored* or not, is not accounted for in the Pay Evaluator ratings. It is expected that each employee should attend training opportunities to keep abreast of knowledge and skills which will maintain or add value to his/her job.

  1. Affiliations/Recognition: Examines the extent to which the individual’s professional affiliations (positions of leadership within directly related professional associations/organizations) and industry recognitions add to an employee’s ability to provide additional insight, knowledge, or skills above the job description’s stated minimum requirements. Collaboration is essential to assist with identifying affiliations and recognitions of value which fall under one of the following guidelines:

a. Committees/Associations – Individual currently holds or has held within the last two years a board position or another leadership General membership within the committee or association does not apply.

b. Awards – Individual has received a recognized industry or institutional award within the last five years that is directly related and/or relevant to the job.

c. An individual is an industry recognized speaker or presenter at a regional or national conference within the last two years.

Please note: Affiliations and recognitions must be unique or respected in terms of level of expertise within the field or industry to be considered valuable. AUHR or your local management can assist in identifying if other affiliations or recognitions that should be applied.

  1. Performance Rating: Examines the individual’s most recent annual overall performance This factor is utilized for the following pay actions: salary alignments and under certain circumstances, promotion adjustments through the reclassification review process.

a. An employee who is a) under an active performance improvement plan or b) disciplinary action or c) has a most recent overall rating of “1” (Unacceptable) or a “2” (Marginal) will be disqualified from the transaction

b. The performance rating will default to ‘3’ for most pay actions including reclassifications, new hires, or internal hires, as it is assumed that these individuals are fully qualified and assumed to be competent in meeting all performance expectations of the job.

c. If a job is being reclassified to a higher grade level, and the employee has been performing the higher job content value responsibilities for at least nine months, the latest performance rating that has captured the performance contributions at the higher job content value will be used.

B. Suggested Appropriate Placement in Pay Range: This is the result of the direct comparison of the candidate’s work-related pay decision criteria ratings and the minimum requirements for the job. In addition to a suggested pay level, the Pay Evaluator also provides a “suggested interval” of possible pay levels (plus or minus 5% of the suggested pay level) that would be appropriate for the supervisor’s or manager’s consideration.

C. Collaborative Recommendation: The hiring supervisor/manager, working with the designated HR Liaison and AUHR Compensation staff, will determine the collaborative pay recommendation to offer the employee. 

  1. If the recommended pay level is within the suggested interval, then additional justification is not

  2. However, if the recommended pay level is outside of the suggested interval (either below or above), the hiring supervisor/manager is required to provide additional justification specifically addressing those individual work-related attributes and qualifications that have not already been reflected in the selected criteria ratings of the Pay Evaluator. (See V.5 below)

D. Identification of Alignment Relationships: This is a reference section providing useful information regarding the average pay level for the same job title across campus by 1) all campus; 2) division; and 3) home organization; including:

  1. Number of employees

  2. Average Pay

  3. % Difference between the collaborative recommendation to the average pay

It is important to note that the development of an appropriate pay recommendation must be individualized to the subject candidate/employee. However, having the alignment relationship reference data may help inform whether there may be the need to consider pay alignment corrections with other similarly situated (same title) employees within the same hiring team, unit, department, or division.

E. Supporting Commentary for the Collaborative Recommendation (see V.3.ii above): Additional required justification due to a recommendation “above” or “below” the suggested interval is placed or referred-to in this space, and/or can be attached as a separate document to the Pay Evaluator.

  1. Preparing a Required Justification – Below Suggested Interval

a. A justification for recommending a pay level below the suggested low of the interval must be based on criteria other than the work-related qualification attributes possessed by the candidate/employee. To have been qualified for the new job or promotion, the candidate/employee must have already fully met all the minimum requirements as stated in the published job description.

b. Therefore, the likely justification for a recommendation below the suggested interval will be the inability to pay based on funding limitations. If this is the case, a statement from the hiring division’s budget authority stating that there are insufficient funds available to pay within the suggested interval is required.

  1. Preparing a Required Justification – Above the Suggested Interval

A justification for recommending a salary above the suggested high of the interval must identify those candidate/employee-specific work-related qualifications and attributes relative to the minimum job requirements that have not already been captured by the selected ratings for the criteria on the Pay Evaluator. For consideration:

a. Demonstrated Knowledge: As appropriate, the justification could include those relevant and unique employee- specific and job-related knowledge attributes (knowledge, skills, and abilities, competencies) that have led to the candidate’s demonstrated history of success – delivering outcomes or results beyond that which is normally expected at this stage of their career. Be specific and provide at least two examples to ensure a full understanding of how the candidate’s/employee’s demonstrated knowledge provides for a stronger than required candidate/employee qualifications profile than has already been accounted for by the Pay Evaluator ratings.

b. Demonstrated Experience: As appropriate, the justification could include what specialized and unique employee-specific types or qualities of job-related experience that have led to the candidate’s demonstrated history of success – delivering outcomes or results beyond that which is normally expected at this stage of their career. Being specific, provide at least two examples of how the candidate’s demonstrated experience(s) provide for a stronger than required candidate/employee experience, beyond that which has already been reflected in the Pay Evaluator ratings.

c. Credentials, Affiliations, Recognitions: As appropriate, the justification could include:

i. Professional industry or occupational credentials, beyond minimum requirements that are directly related to the job, however, have not been appropriately captured by the selected ratings for the Pay Evaluator.

ii. Professional industry or occupational recognition as an expert in their profession. Provide at least two examples to ensure a full understanding of how this expertise has been recognized.

iii. Professional leadership affiliation and/or role, at a regional or national level, within a directly related and relevant recognized industry or occupational professional association, whereby the candidate/employee has demonstrated direct influence on the organization’s mission in advancing the work, credibility, and stature of the profession. Provide at least two examples to ensure a full understanding of how this affiliation provides for a stronger than required candidate/employee qualifications profile already accounted for by the Pay Evaluator ratings.

  1. Statements NOT to Include in a Justification: A well-written justification will not include the following statements, as they do not strengthen the case for a pay level outside of the suggested interval:

a. Restating the candidate/employee’s qualifications that originally qualified the candidate/employee to be in the candidate These are accounted for in the selected ratings of each criterion on the Pay Evaluator.

b. Restating the candidate/employee’s proposed job duties, as these duties were evaluated in the determination of allocating the job to a specific pay grade range.

c. Comparing the employee/candidate’s proposed salary to other similarly situated employees within the team, department or division, as each employee’s pay level is individually developed through a systematic assessment of 1) the job content value of the work being executed, and 2) the direct comparison of the measured value of an individual’s work-related attributes and qualifications (knowledge, skills, and abilities) to the pre-defined minimum requirements of the job as published on the job description.

  1. Units of Pay for Reference: This section also provides the recommended pay in relevant units, including 1) annualized pay amount; 2) actual pay amount (actual cash flow for the year given an FTE of less than 1.0); and 3) hourly rate of pay.

F. Designated Authorizations and Approvals: Provides space for the necessary signatures in support of (or not in support of) and approval for (or no approval for) the recommended pay level.

  1. Pay decisions for pay actions, including hire, promotion, lateral adjustment, demotion adjustment, and pay alignment, require at least two levels of direct supervisory/managerial approval signatures within the relevant organizational hierarchy, as well as the signature of the designated Human Resources

a. Each division may have additional approval signature requirements.

b. Contact your designated Human Resources Liaison for additional information.

  1. All pay actions for employees appointed to jobs in the Information Technology Job Family – central office and distributed, require the review and approval of the Vice President and Chief Information Officer, or authorized designee.

  2. Funding and approval of pay actions are the responsibility of the divisional leadership in accordance with established operating budget funding policies and procedures.

  3. No communication of a recommended or in-process pay level to the subject employee or candidate is authorized prior to all required approval signatures (on the Pay Evaluator©) have been obtained.

VII. Additional Guidance

Please contact the division’s designated HR Liaison or AUHR Compensation and Classification staff.

VIII. Definitions

The following definitions inform the administration of this procedure:

Hiring Authority: This is the reports-to supervisor of the position, as specified in the Banner HR system in NBAPOSN and NBAJOBS.

Pay Decision Criteria: The key factors considered in determining an appropriate base pay decision. Each criterion has pre-defined levels that are selected and collaboratively validated by the supervisor/manager, HR Liaison, and AUHR Compensation staff. The criterion level is selected by comparing employee-specific qualifications and work attributes (knowledge, skills, and abilities) to the job’s minimum requirements as published on the job description, without regard to such human qualities as life experience, gender, sex, nationality, race, identity, ethnicity, age, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, socioeconomic status, veteran status, disability, neurodiversity, and religion.

The five-employee work-related attribute decision criteria include:

  1. Experience

  2. Education

  3. Certifications/Licensure/Other Credentials

  4. Affiliations/Recognition

  5. Performance Rating

Pay Grade: The assigned label of designated range of pay opportunity (pay grade range) for a group of like-valued jobs within a job family pay structure containing multiple groups of like-valued jobs. Each Pay Grade has a unique range of pay opportunity within the job family pay structure.

Pay Grade Range: An identified range of pay opportunity for employees who are assigned to a grouping of like-valued jobs. The pay grade range, containing a minimum and maximum, reflects the internal job content value and external market value of the work of the job. At Auburn University, the pay grade range is divided into thirds, with the middle third representing a “competitive range” – reflecting a salary position for an employee who is fully qualified and fully performing (meeting expectations) in the performance of their job duties and responsibilities. The graphic below depicts the structure of a pay grade range:



The university establishes no mandated distribution of employee pay positions within a pay grade range. However, over time, and in a robust recruiting and performance-oriented culture, the following distribution is likely to occur:

  • 5% to 15% would be in the lower third (also known as the “at risk range”).

  • 55% to 65% of salaries are expected to have positions within the middle third (also known as the “competitive range”).

  • 30% to 40% of salaries would be positioned in the upper third (also known as the “premium range”).

Pay Grade Range “Minimum”: The salary that represents the 0% mark of the pay range, may also be referred to as the “lower reference”.

Pay Grade Range “Maximum”: The salary that represents the 100% mark of the pay range, may also be referred to as the range “upper reference”.

Pay Grade Range “Lower Third”: The lower portion of the Pay Grade Range (0% - 33%). Pay levels placed in this portion of the Pay Grade Range typically display emerging qualifications and competence, also referred to as the at-risk third.

Pay Grade Range “Middle Third/Competitive Range”: The middle portion of the Pay Grade Range (33% - 67%), also known as the competitive range. Individuals placed in this portion of the Pay Grade Range typically are fully qualified and competent. Most employees are placed in this portion of the Pay Grade Range.

Pay Grade Range “Upper Third”: The upper portion of the Pay Grade Range (67% - 100%), also referred to as the premium third. Individuals placed in this portion of the Pay Grade Range typically display advanced, unique, and/or individual qualifications, including being considered an “industry expert” and/or consistently exceed performance expectations over time.

Pay Grade Range “Pay Opportunity”: The range of possible pay levels, from minimum to maximum, based on what the employee brings to the job and how they perform over time.

Pay Position in Range: The calculated percentage of the position of an employee’s existing pay level within the pay grade range - between lower reference (minimum) and the upper reference (maximum). The pay position in range reflects the result of the selected pay decision criteria levels. Pay position in range is calculated as a percentage using the following formula: (Employee Pay - Minimum / Maximum - Minimum).

Suggested Interval: A range of possible pay levels (plus or minus 5% of the “suggested pay” level) suggested by the pay evaluator for supervisor/manager consideration.

Suggested Pay: A pay level suggested by the pay evaluator for supervisor/manager consideration.

IX. Effective Date 

September 15, 2023

X. Procedure Administration

Responsible Office: University Human Resources; Classification & Compensation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

Responsible Administration Manager: Manager, Compensation Administration

XI. Interpretation

Responsible Director: Director, Compensation and Classification

I. Procedure Statement

It is the intent of Human Resources to work with the department/unit to affect an orderly, expedient return of all excess payments, while working amicably with the employee.  All salary overpayments are expected to be re-paid to the University by personal check or payroll deduction within the same calendar year of overpayment.

II. Procedures

A. Discrepancy Identified:
  • When a department administrator becomes aware of an overpayment, he/she is responsible for reporting it to University Payroll as soon as the error is discovered. 

  • When an employee becomes aware of an overpayment, the employee is responsible for reporting it directly to University Payroll and to his/her department administrator as soon as reasonably possible.

  • When a discrepancy is discovered by University Payroll, the department will be notified immediately.

B. University Payroll and the Department must collaborate to identify discrepancy type and plan for resolution. University Payroll is responsible for calculating and notifying department of amount to be re-paid. A wage and salary calculation form will be completed by University Payroll.

C. Department/Unit is responsible for working with employee to secure a personal check made payable to Auburn University or negotiate a repayment plan. If a repayment plan is agreed upon, a Wage and Salary Overpayment Repayment Agreement must be completed and signed by the affected employee (amount to be deducted or paid each period).

D. When an overpayment is the result of information received from a University Department, University Payroll reserves the right to access a fee to the Department. (currently a fee of $100 is assessed)

E. If overpayment occurs on a student employee wage the department may choose to freeze transcripts until the overpayment is re-paid.

F. University Payroll is responsible for adjustments to W-2 or W-2c or reporting any other applicable agency information, when discrepancy is resolved.

III. Definitions

IV. Sanctions

Violations of this procedure are to be promptly reported to the employee’s supervisor and will be addressed through appropriate disciplinary action(s).

V. Forms

  • Wage and Salary Calculation Overpayment Form

  • Wage and Salary Overpayment Authorization Form

VI. Related Information

VII. History

VIII. Frequently-Asked Questions