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Electron Propagator Calculations of Vertical Electron
Binding Energies and Dyson Orbitals in Gaussian 16
Filip Pawłowski and J. V. Ortiz
Electron propagator theory (EPT) is used for ab initio calculations of vertical electron binding
energies (VEBEs) of atoms, molecules and ions, e.g.,
In addition, EPT is used to determine Dyson orbitals. A Dyson
orbital is a generalization of a frozen, Hartree-Fock canonical molecular orbital (CMO) that
is modified by the effects of orbital relaxation and electron correlation.
EPT methods start with the simple Koopmans's theorem (KT) result and systematically
improve upon it to approach exact VEBEs.
This strategy differs from density-functional theory (DFT) and resembles that of
wave-function theory (WFT) methods.
An advantage of EPT over evaluation of total energies for initial and final
states with WFT (e.g. ΔMP2, ΔCCSD(T)) is calculating VEBEs
Unlike many direct WFT methods, such as EOM-CCSD, EPT calculations yield a
single Dyson orbital for each VEBE.
In general, the P3+ and NR2 EPT methods have a computational cost comparable to
and accuracy surpassing
second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2).
Several final states are usually accessible; final-state excitation energies
may be inferred from differences of VEBEs.
(Arithmetic scaling below refers to IPs; click on the figure or table to enlarge.)
Previous version of this tutorial (for Gaussian 09 users)
Second order [1-3]
Third order [4]
Partial third order (P3) [5, 6]
Renormalized partial third order (P3+) [7, 8]
Outer Valence Green Function (OVGF) [9-12]
Two-particle-hole Tamm-Dancoff approximation (2ph-TDA) [13, 14]
Renormalized third order (3+) [12]
Third order algebraic diagrammatic contruction (ADC3) [15, 16]
Nondiagonal renormalized second order (NR2) [17, 18]
EPT reviews [8, 12, 18-25]
Algorithms [19, 26-28]
General references [29, 30]
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[18] H.H. Corzo, J.V. Ortiz, Electron Propagator Theory: Foundations and Predictions,
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[19] J.V. Ortiz, V.G. Zakrzewski, O. Dolgounitcheva, One-electron pictures of electronic structure: propagator calculations on photoelectron spectra of aromatic molecules, in: J.-L. Calais, E. Kryachko (Eds.), Conceptual Perspectives in Quantum Chemistry, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1997, pp. 465-517.
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[22] V.G. Zakrzewski, O. Dolgounitcheva, A.V. Zakjevskii, J.V. Ortiz,
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[23] R. Flores-Moreno, J.V. Ortiz, Efficient and Accurate Electron Propagator Methods and Algorithms, in: J. Leszczynski, M.K. Shukla (Eds.), Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry: Methods, Concepts and Applications, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, 2010, pp. 1-17.
[24] V.G. Zakrzewski, O. Dolgounitcheva, A.V. Zakjevskii, J.V. Ortiz,
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[25] J.V. Ortiz, Interpreting Bonding and Spectra With Correlated, One-Electron Concepts From
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[26] V.G. Zakrzewski, J.V. Ortiz, Semidirect algorithms in electron propagator calculations, Int. J. Quantum Chem., Quantum Chem. Symp. 28 (1994) 23-27.
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