The APCA is modeled after the Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance (GPCA), a consortium of organizations with interests in plant conservation that promotes cooperative actions to protect Georgia’s plant resources. The APCA seeks to protect plants, plant habitats and plant communities in Alabama by facilitating specific project-based cooperative actions between agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), citizen groups, and private landowners.
We also wish to mobilize and educate the public through educational programs and activities that will help the public recognize the variety, value and importance of the plant diversity found in our state. As a network of groups, the APCA brings together organizations that manage important nature reserves, research collections, and educational facilities. Sharing a common interest in plant conservation, APCA members support each other’s programs and seek synergistic activities that advance our objectives.
For more information on our group, including how to join in on our efforts, please contact Patrick Thompson or Morgan Beadles.