Research Fields
Research in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Auburn University is undertaken by fifty internationally-recognized faculty members. Fields of study covered include various topics in pure and applied mathematics as well as statistics. Some professors pursue interdisciplinary mathematics as well.
List of Research Fields
- Actuarial Mathematics
- Algebra
- representation theory of groups and Lie algebras
- abelian groups
- homological algebra
- invariant theory
- Analysis
- real and complex analysis
- harmonic analysis
- approximation theory
- wavelets
- Applied Mathematics
- Discipline-Based Education Research
- Discrete Mathematics
- graph theory
- design theory
- coding theory
- Differential Equations
- ODEs
- nonlinear oscillators
- neural networks
- stochastic equations
- equations in Banach spaces
- PDEs
- elliptic and parabolic equations
- reaction-diffusion systems
- applications in climate modeling, biology, and fluid dynamics
- ODEs
- Dynamical Systems
- monotone and skew-product flows
- complex dynamics
- symbolic and lattice dynamics
- Geometry
- Linear Algebra
- Numerical Analysis
- numerical and computational linear algebra
- numerical and computational PDEs
- finite-element and finite-difference methods
- applications in fluid dynamics, elasticity, chemistry, geology, and biology
- Statistics
- Stochastic Analysis
- Topology
- continuum theory
- set-theoretic topology
- algebraic topology