
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics! 

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics (DMS) has over 50 professors representing diverse areas of pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics. Many of our faculty have obtained international recognition for their research. Our graduate and upperclassman courses usually have 5 to 15 students, and many of our general undergraduate classes are capped at under 30 students. Thus, we are able to offer our students personal attention and close contact with faculty. Please browse our faculty or research fields of study to see what choices for specialization are available. Some faculty maintain applied research programs associated with several government and industrial laboratories. Two faculty members hold the Associate of the Society of Actuaries designation and their group has been successful in placing students in actuarial positions.

We offer undergraduate programs leading to a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (with options in Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, or Actuarial Science) and graduate programs leading to a Master of Science in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, or Probability and Statistics, and/or the Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics.

The mathematics classroom building (Parker Hall) has three computer labs equipped with over 50 desktop computers, providing several pieces of software and convenient Internet access. Wireless internet is also available for your own device. Also, if needed, graduate students will be provided a computer for their offices.

Please browse our website to learn more about our undergraduate curriculum, our graduate curriculum, and upcoming colloquia and seminars.

Chair: Ash Abebe
Parker Hall 221
Phone: (334) 844-4290
Email: abebeas@auburn.edu
