International Review of Atomic and Molecular Physics
Information from Editors and Authors Guidelines
Eugene Oks and Michael S. Pindzola
Physics Department, 206 Allison Lab., Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce recently added advantages of publishing in the “International Review of Atomic and Molecular Physics” (IRAMP):
1. The authors learn about the acceptance of their papers within just 1week from the submission, what makes IRAMP a super-fast track journal.
2. Publications in the IRAMP are covered by Google Scholar, which is similar to Scopus and WebOfScience and is becoming more and more popular. You could just go to
and enter International review of atomic and molecular physics IRAMP. The coverage by similar sites is forthcoming.
All the previously introduced advantages of publishing in the IRAMP remain, such as:
3. A publication in the IRAMP creates a timely record of the authors results for a broad audience around the world – without preventing the authors from submitting a modified/extended article elsewhere.
4. The publication is free of charge.
5. There is no page limit.
Another new feature recently added to the IRAMP is the extension of the scope of this journal to include a significant part of nanophysics, namely: optical and beam-probe nanophysics.
All articles published in the “International Review of Atomic and Molecular Physics” (IRAMP) are available online free of charge at
in addition to the distribution of hardcopies of the journal to major libraries and institutions around the world.
The IRAMP is a peer reviewed international journal, created at the beginning of 2010, that publishes high-quality review articles and also high-quality original research papers. Topics of interest are all areas of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) physics in the broadest sense. They include not only fundamental fields of AMO physics, but also applied areas, such as, for example (but not limited to):
- atomic and molecular processes in plasmas and gases
- optical and beam-probe nanophysics
- plasma spectroscopy
- X-ray lasers
- astrophysical applications
The journal is published semi-annually.
Each paper should be submitted electronically as 2 files (of the same content) simultaneously: a pdf-file and a source-file (such as a word-file). The e-mail address for submissions is:
The information about the journal can be also found at the IRAMP homepage created by the International Science Press (the Publisher):
Eugene Oks Mitch Pindzola
Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief