![Evdokiya Kostadinova headshot](eva.jpg)
Department of Physics
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Plasma Physics
Office: Leach Science Center 3125
380 Duncan Dr.
Auburn, AL 36849
Phone: 334-844-4298
Email: egk0033@auburn.edu
My primary research interests lay along the intersections of fundamental physics and applied mathematics. Those include exotic transport behavior in disordered media, nonlocal interactions in correlated systems, self-organization and stability of dusty plasmas in gravity and microgravity, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of driven-dissipative systems, lunar dust mitigation, and dust particle techniques for plasma diagnostics. I have authored a book on the application of a novel spectral approach to transport problems in two-dimensional physical systems.
Specific projects I am currently working on include:
- The onset of turbulence in dusty plasma monolayers
- Particle transport in stochastic magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Material ablation in high heating environments
- Dust particles as tracers of plasma/gas dynamics
E G Kostadinova, R Banka*, J L Padgett, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde, (2021). (2021). Fractional Laplacian spectral approach to turbulence in a dusty plasma monolayer. Physics of Plasmas, 28(7), 073705.
DM Orlov, M O Hanson*, J Escalera*, H Taheri*, C N Villareal*, D M Zubovic*, I Bykov, E G Kostadinova, D L Rudakov, M Ghazinejad. (2021). Design and testing of DiMES Carbon Ablation Rods in the DIII-D tokamak, IMECE2021-73326, ASME IMECE 2021 Conference Proceedings
T F Jones, E G Kostadinova, J L Padgett, Q Sheng, (2021). A series representation of the discrete fractional Laplace operator of arbitrary order. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 504(1), 125323.
E G Kostadinova, J L Padgett, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde, (2020). Numerical study of anomalous diffusion of light in semi-crystalline polymer structures. Phys. Rev. Research, 2(4), 043375.
J L Padgett, E G Kostadinova, C D Liaw, K Busse*, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2020). Anomalous diffusion in one-dimensional disordered systems: a discrete fractional Laplacian method. J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 53(13), 135205.
L S Matthews, E G Kostadinova, D Sanford*, TW Hyde, S Ashrafi, E Guay* (2020), Dust charging in dynamic ion wakes, Phys. Plasmas, 27, 023703 (Featured & Scilight)
E G Kostadinova, C D Liaw, A S Hering, A Cameron*, F Guyton*, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2019). Spectral approach to transport in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice with substitutional disorder. Phys. Rev. B, 99, 024115
P Hartmann, J C Reyes, E G Kostadinova, L S Matthews, T W Hyde, R U Masheyeva, K N Dzhumagulova, T S Ramazanov, T Ott, H Kählert, M Bonitz, I Korolov, & Z Donkó (2019). Self-diffusion in two-dimensional quasi-magnetized rotating dusty plasmas. Phys. Rev. E, 99, 013203
E G Kostadinova, F Guyton*, A Cameron*, K Busse*, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2018) Transport properties of disordered two‐dimensional complex plasma crystal, Contrib. Plasma Phys., 58 (2-3), 209–216.
(book) E G Kostadinova (2018). Spectral Approach to Transport Problems in Two-Dimensional Disordered Lattices: Physical Interpretation and Applications. Springer
E G Kostadinova, K Busse*, N Ellis*, J Padgett, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2017). Delocalization in infinite disordered two-dimensional lattices of different geometry. Phys. Rev. B, 96(23), 235408.
E G Kostadinova, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2016). Physical interpretation of the spectral approach to delocalization in infinite disordered systems. Mater. Res. Express, 3(12), 125904.
Last updated: 08/27/2021