
Continuum Theory Seminar

Time: Sep 14, 2015 (04:00 PM)
Location: Parker Hall 246(?)


Speaker: Steven Clontz ('15), University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Steven will talk about a couple of topological games he has been considering. 

Abstract: A Corson compact space is a compact space which may be embedded in a Sigma-product of real lines; a Sigma-product of real lines is the collection of sequences in \(\mathbb R^\kappa\) for some cardinal \(\kappa\) for which all but countably many coordinates are zero. In particular, compact metrizable spaces are Corson compact. Clontz will speak about a joint result with Scott Varagona (University of Montevallo) showing that any generalized inverse limit of length \(\kappa\) obtained with a non-trivial idempotent continuum-valued u.s.c. bonding map is not Corson compact.

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