Curt Lindner
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Professor Emeritus


Ph.D., Emory University
M.S., Emory University
B.S., Presbyterian College

Professional Employment
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University
1976 - present
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University
1973 - 1976
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University
1969 - 1973
Coker College Hartsville
1963 - 1967

Honors and Awards
Alumni Professor, Auburn University
1985 - 1990
Distinguished University Professor
1994 - present
Honorary Professor, University of Queensland
1994 - present
Honorary Professor, Combinatorics, Universita di Catania
2004 - present

Professional Activities
Editorial Board Member: ARS Combinatoria, ALE Matematiche, Journal Algorithms and Computations, Transactions on Combinatorics, ISRN Discrete Mathematics
Member: Combinatorical Mathematics Society of Australia, Institute of Combinatorics and it's Applications
Referee: Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, JSMCC, JCT, Discrete Mathematics Combinatorica, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Aequationes Mathematicae, SIAM Utilitas Mathematica, Algbra Universailis, Ars Conbinatoria, Proc. AMS, J. London Math. Soc., European J. of Combinatorics, IEEE Transactions of Information Theory

Research and Teaching Interests

Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics; Design Theory

Selected Publications

  1. From squashed 6-cycle systems to Steiner triple systems, J. Combinatorial Designs, online 2013; DOI: 10.1002/jcd.21346 (with Alex Rosa and M. Meszka).
  2. Book: Design Theory, Second Edition, CRC Press, 2009, 264 pages (with C. A. Rodger)
  3. 2-perfect m-cycle systems can be equationally defined for m=3, 5 and 7 only, Algebra Universalis, 35 (1996), 1-7 (with D. E. Bryant).
  4. Steiner pentagon systems, Discrete Math., 52 (1984), 67-74 (with D. R.  Stinson).
  5. A partial Steiner triple system of order n can be embedded in a Steiner triple system of order 6n+3, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 18 (1975), 349-351.

Last updated: 10/25/2023