Cyrus B. (Sonny) Dawsey
Department of Geosciences
Professor Emeritus
Department of Geosciences
Professor Emeritus
Research Areas: Geography, Latin Studies
Email: sonnypapa@gmail.com
Research and Teaching Interests
Dr. Dawsey is the author of over 80 scholarly publications including a book on the settlement of Americans in Brazil immediately after the Civil War. His research interests include: physical and cultural geography of Latin America; GIS and computer cartography; and migration in Brazil. In recent years Dr. Dawsey has received a special grant from Intergraph Corporation providing campus-wide free licensing for use of the Geomedia and Geomedia Professional GIS software. Dr. Dawsey has taught over a dozen different courses at Auburn. His present responsibilities include: Global Geography, Geographic Methods and Techniques, Cartography, and a special topics course on advanced techniques in GIS.
Selected Publications
- Book: Dawsey, C.B., and Dawsey, J.M., 1995, The Confederados: Old South Immigrants in Brazil, University of Alabama Press. This book describes the post-Civil War migration of former Confederates, the survival of the group's culture, and the influence on Brazilian society. Translated by the authors into Portuguese: Americans: Imigrantes do Velho Sul no Brazil (2005: Editora Unimep).
- Dawsey, C.B., 2005, Geography in Eakin, M.C., Almeida, P.R., and Barbosa, R.A. (Eds), Envisioning Brazil: A Guide to Brazilian Studies in the United States, 1945-2003. University of Wisconsin Press, p. 309-344.
- Dawsey, C.B., 2005, How high am I? Computing elevations from DEMs using Geomedia Professional and Geomedia Grid: Geospatial World Conference Proceedings, Huntsville.
- Dawsey, C.B, 2002, Estudos geográficos do Brasil nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá: tendências e perspectivas, 1945-2000, in Almeida, P.R., Eakins, M.C., and Barbosa, R.A., (Eds.) O Brasil dos brasilianistas: um guia dos estudos sobre o Brasil nos Estados Unidos. Sao Paulo; editora Paz e Terra, p. 334 -382.
- Dawsey, C.B, 2003, Tendencias recientes en estudios de Brasil por geografos norteamericanos: Tiempos de America (Spain), vol.10, p. 27-42.
Last updated: 10/10/2024