Benedict Okeke
Department of Geosciences
Affiliate Faculty
Department of Geosciences
Affiliate Faculty
Research Areas:
Office: Goodwyn Hall 310V
Department of Biology
Montgomery, AL 36117
Phone: (334) 244-3508
Lab Phone: (334) 244-3625
Fax: (334) 244-3826
Email: bokeke@aum.edu
Ph.D., Bioscience and Biotechnology, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
M.S., Food Science and Microbiology, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
B.S., Microbiology, University of Nigeria
Professional Employment
Professor, Department of Biology, AUM
2011 - Present
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, AUM
2009 - 2011
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, AUM
2005 - 2009
Research and Teaching Interests
Professor Okeke is a Distinguished Research Professor of Industrial and Environmental Microbiology, in the Department of Biology. His research interests include: biofuel and co-products, biosensors, bioremediation, enzyme biotechnology, effects of pollutants on microbial communities, indicators of microbiological safety of water and food, and genetic engineering of microbes. He teaches industrial microbiology, environmental microbiology, general microbiology and directed research. Professor Okeke did postdoctoral work at the University of California, Riverside; Gifu University, Japan; and the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy. Dr. Okeke has 60 research papers in peer reviewed journals, two US patents, numerous conference abstracts and several research grants including a million dollar grant for research on fuel ethanol from biomass. He is a winner of the Ida Belle Young Endowed Professorship award and the founding Director of the Bioprocessing and Biofuel Research Lab (BBRL).
Last updated: 06/06/2022