Lorraine W. Wolf
Department of Geosciences
Professor Emerita
Department of Geosciences
Professor Emerita
Research Areas: Earthquake and controlled-source seismology and in the use of geophysical methods in engineering and environmental assessments.
Office: 2078 Beard Eaves Coliseum
2050 Beard Eaves Coliseum
Auburn, AL 36849
Phone: (334) 844-4878
Fax: (334) 844-4295
Email: wolflor@auburn.edu
Ph.D., Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks
M.A., English Literature, SUNY - Binghamton
B.A., English Literature, SUNY - Binghamton
Professional Employment
Professor Emerita
Lawrence C. Wit Professor, Auburn University
2020 - 2021
Director Undergraduate Research, Auburn University
2011 - Present
Professor, Auburn University
2004 - 2020
Associate Professor, Auburn University
1998 - 2004
Assistant Professor, Auburn University
1993 - 1998
Lecturer, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
1977 - 1979
Research and Teaching Interests
My primary research interests are in the areas of seismic hazard and near-surface geophysics. My students and I have applied a wide range of methodologies, which fall under the realm of applied geophysics. These include crustal scale magnetic and gravity modeling, deformation and fluid pressure modeling, analyses using active source, earthquake, and ambient noise seismic data, probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, and electrical resistance tomography. We have made substantial progress in imaging earthquake-induced liquefaction deposits for paleoseismology, or the study of prehistoric earthquake occurrence. Our geophysical investigations have focused on (1) crustal structure and evolution; (2) earthquake-induced liquefaction; (3) geophysical evidence of sulfate-reducing bacteria in Coastal Plain aquifers; (4) geophysical mapping of chemical pollutants and karst (sinkholes); and (5) hydrologically triggered seismicity.
Last updated: 10/10/2024