Haylie Mikulak
Department of Geosciences
Hometown: East Brunswick, New Jersey

Research Areas: Atmospheric Science Education and Climate Communicationmmunication

Office: 2077 Beard Eaves Coliseum

Email: hnm0039@auburn.edu

Curriculum vitae


MS, Geography, University of Georgia
BS, Meteorology/Climatology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Professional Employment
Instructor of Record for GEOG 1020 (Global Systems I: Weather and Climate)
G-SEAC Graduate Assistant
NSF Research Traineeship in Climate Resilience Trainee

Research and Teaching Interests

My research interests include atmospheric science education and climate communication. Specifically, I study the role of sense of belonging during undergraduate studies in atmospheric science and how improvements in sense of belonging can improve departments' climates and cultures. I also study oyster farmers perceptions of climate change and extreme weather events and the impacts of these events on the industry.

Last updated: 08/30/2024