Alexandra Tsalickis
Department of Geosciences
Hometown: Tarpon Springs, Florida

Research Areas: Paleoecology, Paleoclimate, Conservation, Entomology

Office: 2056A Beard Eaves Coliseum



MS, Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Auburn University
BS, Wildlife, Ecology, and Conservation, University of Florida

Professional Employment
Presidential Graduate Research Fellow, Department of Geosciences, Auburn University
2023 - Present
Research Technician, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University
2019 - 2020
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Auburn University
2018 - 2019

Research and Teaching Interests

I have interdisciplinary research interests that combine paleoclimate and paleofire studies with ecology and conservation. I am interested in using stable isotopes to identify environmental and climatic changes that occurred throughout the Holocene. I use this data to compare past conditions to the present so more effective management decisions and conservation measures can be created for the future.

Please feel free to email me at any time. I am always interested in collaborating!

Selected Publications

  1. Tsalickis, Alexandra, Matthew N. Waters, Joshua W. Campbell, Richard S. Vachula. 2024. Bat guano isotope systems (δ13C, δ15N, δ2H, and δ18O) integrate environmental, climatic, and ecological signals. Quaternary Science Reviews. 334: 108711.
  2. Graham, Jason R., Joshua W. Campbell, Alexandra Tsalickis, Cory Stanley-Stahr, James D. Ellis. 2023. Observing bees and wasps: Why surveys and monitoring programs are critical and how they can improve our understanding of these beneficial hymenopterans. Journal of Pollination Ecology. 33(9): 139-169.
  3. Tsalickis, Alexandra, Matthew N. Waters, Joshua W. Campbell. 2022. A 12,000 kyr paleohydroclimate record in the southeastern, U.S.A based on deuterium from bat guano. Environmental Earth Sciences. 81: 148.
  4. Tsalickis, Alexandra, Matthew N. Waters, Joshua W. Campbell. 2021. Methods and Analysis of Bat Guano Cores from Caves for Paleoecology. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. 83(4): 141-150.
  5. Campbell, Joshua W., Alexandra Tsalickis. 2021. Does allochthonous leaf litter structure terrestrial cave invertebrate assemblages? Journal of Natural History. 55: 021-1032.

Last updated: 09/26/2024