CTH Related Journal Publications
Implementation of coherence imaging spectroscopy for ion flow measurements in the Compact Toroidal Hybrid experiment, N.R. Allen, D.A. Ennis, S.L. Allen, C.M. Samuell, D.M. Kriete, C.A. Johnson, G.J. Hartwell and D.A. Maurer, Journal,V,page (2023). (figure data)
- The magnetic structure of long wavelength magnetohydrodynamic modes in
current-carrying stellarator plasmas, M.D. Pandya, D.A. Ennis, J.D. Hanson, G.J. Hartwell, D.A. Maurer, Physics of Plasmas, 28, 112503 (2021). (figure data)
- Panning for Gold: New Emission Lines from UV-VIS Sectroscopy of Au I and Au II, J. Bromley, C.A. Johnson, D.A. Ennis, G.J. Hartwell, D.A. Maurer, S.D. Loch, P.C. Stancil, B.M. McLaughlin, C.E. Sosolik, and J.P. Marler, ApJS. 250 19, 2020.
- Advances in neutral tungsten ultraviolet spectroscopy for the potential benefit to gross erosion diagnosis, C.A. Johnson , D.A. Ennis, S.D. Loch, G.J. Hartwell, D.A. Maurer, S.L. Allen, B.S. Victor, C.M. Samuell, T. Abrams, E.A. Unterberg, and R. T. Smyth, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61, 095006 (2019).
Sawtooth oscillation behavior with varying amounts of applied stellarator rotational transform , J.L. Herfindal, D.A. Maurer, G.J. Hartwell, D.A. Ennis, J.D. Hanson, S.F. Knowlton, X. Ma, M. Pandya, N.A. Roberds, and P.J. Tranverso, Physics of Plasmas, 26, 032502 (2019); (figure data).
ColRadPy: A Python collisional radiative solver, C.A. Johnson, S.D. Loch, D.A. Ennis, Nuclear Materials and Energy (2019).
- In situ wavelength calibration system for the X-ray Imaging Crystal Spectrometer (XICS) on W7-X, J.Kring, N. Pablant, A. Langenberg, J. Rice, L. Delgado-Aparicio, D. Maurer, P. Traverso, M. Bitter, k. Hill, M. Reinke, Review of Scientific Instruments, 89, 10F107 (2018).
- Minimum magnetic curvature for resilient divertors using Compact Toroidal Hybrid geometry, A,Bader, C.C. Hegna, M. Cianciosa, G.J. Hartwell, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60 , 054003 (2018).
- Determination of current and rotational transform profiles in a current-carrying stellarator using soft x-ray emissivity measurements, X. Ma, M.R. Cianciosa, D.A.Ennis, J.D. Hanson, G.J. Hartwell, J.L. Herfindal, E.C. Howell, S.F. Knowlton, D.A. Maurer, P.J. Traverso, Physics of Plasmas, 25(1), 012515 (2018).
- Simulations of sawtoothing in a current carrying stellarator, N. A. Roberds, L. Guazzotto, J. D. Hanson, J. L. Herfindal, E. C. Howell, D. A. Maurer and C. R. Sovinec, Physics of Plasmas,23.9, 092513, (2016).
- Non-axisymmetric equilibrium reconstruction of a current-carrying stellarator using external magnetic and soft x-ray inversion radius measurements, X. Ma, D.A. Maurer,S.F. Knowlton,M.C. ArchMiller,M.R. Cianciosa,D.A. Ennis,J.D. Hanson,G.J. Hartwell,J.D. Hebert,J.L. Herfindal,M.D. Pandya,N.A. Roberds,and P.J. Traverso, Physics of Plasmas,22, 122509, (2015). (figure data)
Low edge safety factor operation and passive disruption avoidance in current carrying plasmas by the addition of stellarator rotational transform, M.D. Pandya,M.C. ArchMiller,M.R. Cianciosa,D.A. Ennis,J.D. Hanson,G.J. Hartwell,J.D. Hebert, J.L. Herfindal,S.F. Knowlton,X. Ma,S. Massidda,D.A. Maurer,N.A. Roberds,and P.J. Traverso, Physics of Plasmas, 22, 110702 (2015). (figure data)
- Hall probe measurements of the poloidal magnetic field in Compact Toroidal Hybrid plasmas, B.A. Stevenson, S.F. Knowlton, G.J. Hartwell, J.D. Hanson, D.A. Maurer, Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, 093502 (2014).
- Design and initial operation of a two-color soft x-ray camera system on the Compact Toroidal Hybrid experiment, J. L. Herfindal, J. D. Dawson, D. A. Ennis, G. J. Hartwell, S. D. Loch, and D. A. Maurer, Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, 11D850 (2014).
- Thomson scattering diagnostic system design for the Compact Toroidal Hybrid experiment, P.J. Traverso, D.A. Maurer, D.A. Ennis, G.J. Hartwell, M.M. Goforth, S.D. Loch, A.J. Pearce, and M.R. Cianciosa, Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, 11D852 (2014).
- Suppression of vertical instability in elongated current-carrying plasmas by applying stellarator rotational transform, ArchMiller, M. C. and Cianciosa, M. R. and Ennis, D. A. and Hanson, J. D. and Hartwell, G. J. and Hebert, J. D. and Herfindal, J. L. and Knowlton, S. F. and Ma, X. and Maurer, D. A. and Pandya, M. D. and Traverso, P., Physics of Plasmas, 21, 056113 (2014).
- Non-axisymmetric equilibrium reconstruction for stellarators, reversed field pinches and tokamaks, J.D. Hanson, D.T. Anderson, M.Cianciosa, P.Franz, J.H.Harris, G.J.Hartwell, S.P. Hirshman, S.F. Knowlton, L.L. Lao, E.A. Lazarus, L. Marrelli, D.A. Maurer, J.C. Schmitt, A.C. Sontag, B.A. Stevenson and D.Terranova, Nuclear Fusion, 53 (2013) 083016
- Design and implementation of a multichannel millimeter wave interferometer for the Compact Toroidal Hybrid experiment, M.C. Miller, J.D. Hanson, G.J. Hartwell, S.F. Knowlton, D.A. Maurer, and B.A. Stevenson, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 10E332 (2012)
- Calculation of Eddy Currents in the CTH Vacuum Vessel and Coil Frame for Use in MHD Equilibrium Reconstruction of the Plasma Discharge, A. Zolfaghari, A. Brooks, A. Michaels, J. Hanson, G. Hartwell, Fusion Science and Technology, 64(3) p. 498 (2012)
- Equilibrium and Stability of Current-Carrying Plasmas in the Non-axisymmetric CTH Experiment, J.D. Hanson, S. F. Knowlton, B.A. Stevenson, and G. J. Hartwell, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 50, No 6-8, 1-7 (2010)
- Vacuum Magnetic Field Experiments for Validated Determination of the Helical Field Location in Stellarators, J. Peterson, J. Hanson, G. Hartwell, S. Knowlton, Physics of Plasmas, 17, 032505-1 (2010)
- V3FIT: a code for three-dimensional equilibrium reconstruction, Hanson, J. D. and Hirshman, S. P. and Knowlton, S. F. and Lao, L. L. and Lazarus, E. A. and Shields, J. M., Nuclear. Fusion 49 075031
- Initial Vacuum Magnetic Field Mapping in the Compact Toroidal Hybrid, J.T. Peterson, G.J. Hartwell, S.F. Knowlton, J. Hanson, R.F. Kelly and C. Montgomery, Journal of Fusion Energy, 26, Nos. 1/2, 145 (2007)