COSAM News Articles 2014 December Arboretum listed as Top 50 Stunning University Garden/2015 calendars now available
Arboretum listed as Top 50 Stunning University Garden/2015 calendars now available
The Donald E. Davis Arboretum was recently listed in as one of the “50 Most Stunning University Gardens and Arboretums.” Listed at number 35, the Davis Arboretum is home to more than 650 species of plants native to the Southeastern United States. Auburn’s geographic position at the Fall Line, where the rocky uplands of Alabama meet the sandy coastal plains, allows the Davis Arboretum to display a diverse collection of plants that flourish both north and south of the Fall Line. Northern habitats include the Davis Arboretum’s sandstone and limestone outcrop displays, and southern habitats are represented by displays of plants from coastal plant bogs, dunes, and prairies. The Davis Arboretum also houses a large collection of native oaks, and azaleas.
You can support the Davis Arboretum by ordering a copy of the 2015 calendar which features award-winning images from the 2014 Davis Arboretum photo contest. Calendars are $5 or three for $12 and can be purchased by calling 334.844.5770 or send an email to
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