Message from Dean Giordano – Alumni and Friends of COSAM
To all Alumni and Friends of COSAM:
I want to personally share with you the latest information I have regarding updates for our campus.
First, I want to make sure you know about a new web page that COSAM has set up with the latest information on campus plans. This web page contains links to the latest news from the President and Provost, updates from HR concerning all manner of issues such as how to report hours when working remotely, the latest on what is open and what is not. This web page is at:
We are doing all we can to make sure that this web page reflects the latest information from across the university.
Second, Auburn will conduct all classes remotely (i.e., on line) for the remainder of the spring semester, and the last day to drop a class has been pushed to April 24, the last day of classes. Students will also be given the option to change their grade in a spring class to pass/fail (instead of a letter grade). The spring commencement has been postponed and planning is underway for a special way to recognize and honor spring graduates.
Third, all university sponsored travel (domestic and international) has stopped. Events that would normally take place on campus in the coming weeks are now postponed. This includes the COSAM Honors Convocation, the COSAM Leadership Council, etc.
Fourth, in view of the cancellation of these events, we are now working on plans to conduct a number of these events remotely. More on this will be announced shortly.
Fifth, most Auburn faculty and staff are now working remotely. For faculty this generally includes teaching from home, and for staff it means arranging and conducting most of our usual meetings and other business online.
I would like to paraphrase a message that I heard from President Gogue:
If any employee (faculty or staff) has a sick family member, they should stay home,
If any employee has been exposed, please stay home,
If any employee has a compromised immune system, they should stay home,
If any employee is fearful for their health, they should stay home.
The health of everyone is a top priority.
I hope you all find this message helpful, and that you and your families are safe and healthy.
Nick Giordano
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