Message from Dean Giordano – March 2020
The College of Sciences and Mathematics (COSAM) supports forward-thinking ideas such as transforming a room into an Engaged and Active Student Learning (EASL) classroom, developing a dedicated office for inclusion, equity, and diversity, providing additional training for graduate students, offering a nursing room, and much more.
In addition to these items, COSAM has just completed work on a new college-level strategic plan, an essential component for any organization to achieve its long-term goals.
Our strategic plan is a five-year tool that runs parallel with the university’s overall strategic plan which was adopted by the Board of Trustees in 2019.
The COSAM plan was developed in an inclusive process that involved the faculty, staff, and students, and I want to thank everyone for their insights and input.
As part of this process representatives were brought together to examine and openly discuss our college’s direction. We reviewed goals in comparison to sister universities and aspiring universities to analyze our strategic differentiation. Each department had an opportunity to review its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
The entire process gave us an opportunity to examine our core competencies, determine where we can improve, and discuss innovative ways to find solutions to problems. It helps us develop a path for achieving our goals and a vision of where we want to go as an entire college and creates a stronger foundation for our college that will enrichen the elevated student experience for future generations.
Our meaningful discussions will help us create a community of faculty and students that represent our diverse world with a respect to a culture of inclusiveness.
Regular updates on our progress are planned at town halls for faculty, staff, and students, and other events.
Our strategic plan will help us continually improve, and I want to ensure that everyone in COSAM is aware of the plan so that we are connected to achieving our goals together.
Learn more about COSAM’s new strategic plan online at
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