Message from Dean Giordano – March 24, 2020
To all COSAM faculty, staff, and students,
I want to give you all an update with the latest information.
First, I want to remind you about the web page COSAM has set up with links to the latest news from the President and Provost, and other important information from across the campus. This web page is at:
Secondly, I believe that summer courses will be offered. The method of delivery has not yet been decided. I expect that we will get official announcements on this very soon.
Third, I would like to paraphrase a message that I heard from President Gogue:
If any employee has a sick family member, they should stay home,
If any employee has been exposed, please stay home,
If any employee has a compromised immune system, they should stay home,
If any employee is fearful for their health, they should stay home.
The health of everyone is a top priority.
Please remember that we are all taking these precautions for the well-being of our entire community. I encourage you to follow President Gogue’s advice.
Finally, I would like to tell you how proud I am for your commitment and teamwork that truly embodies the Auburn Family. With your support, we have found creative ways to deliver instruction, advise students, and continue COSAM’s operations.
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