Message from Dean Giordano - November 2020
To all faculty, staff, and students:
As you may know, I have decided to step down next August as the Dean of the College of Sciences and Mathematics (COSAM).
It is not easy to make this decision, however, I am proud of the accomplishments that together we have made over the last seven years.
Our college has grown and implemented improvements that make COSAM a better place for everyone.
We worked with an outside consultant to help us engage in open conversations so that we could find new ways to improve the quality of life for everyone in the College, including offering a nursing room, holding town hall meetings each semester, expanding our student services offices, and creating the COSAM Champions, a group to help any faculty, staff or student with complaints or issues.
We opened the new Leach Science Center last year, which offers student-focused learning spaces, a rooftop telescope terrace, and new laboratories. And, the process for two new facilities to house the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics, and Geosciences is now underway.
We created a strategic plan for our college to help ask long-term questions and prepare our college for the needs of tomorrow.
We worked together to continue to educate our students during the challenges of COVID-19.
We have hired a terrific group of young faculty, who are now taking the research enterprise in the College to new heights and were a major factor in having Auburn designated as an R1 university.
We have made a difference in COSAM, and I would like to ask you to continue to make a difference.
Everyone in COSAM has the opportunity to be a mentor, and everyone can add value to the lives of others through being there and offering meaningful advice. Try to be a mentor and make a difference for someone in our College. It could be a new faculty, a staff member that has recently taken on a project or a student who is unsure of their career path.
Mentors make an invaluable impact and I hope all of your will continue to make an impact in this outstanding college.
Thank you for letting me be your Dean and thank you for all that you do for COSAM.
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